Package up2date_client :: Module rhnreg
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Module rhnreg

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Classes [hide private]
int(x=0) -> int or long int(x, base=10) -> int or long
Functions [hide private]
startRhnsd() source code
getOemInfo() source code
Returns true if system is registred using subscription manager
source code
registered() source code
createSystemRegisterRemindFile() source code
removeSystemRegisterRemindFile() source code
_write_secure_file(secure_file, file_contents)
Write a file to disk that is not readable by other users.
source code
writeSystemId(systemId) source code
Returns True if the write is successful or False if it fails.
source code
This function returns the UUID and virtualization type of this system, if it is a guest.
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This function checks /sys/hypervisor/uuid to see if the system is a para-virt guest.
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This function looks in the SMBIOS area to determine if this is a fully-virt guest.
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_is_host_uuid(uuid) source code
welcomeText() source code
getCaps() source code
reserveUser(username, password) source code
registerSystem(username=None, password=None, profileName=None, token=None, other=None)
Wrapper for the old xmlrpc to register a system.
source code
updateRhsmStatus() source code
getAvailableChannels(username, password) source code
registerSystem2(username=None, password=None, profileName=None, packages=None, activationKey=None, other={})
Uses the new xmlrpcs to register a system.
source code
server_supports_eus() source code
sendHardware(systemId, hardwareList) source code
sendPackages(systemId, packageList) source code
sendVirtInfo(systemId) source code
listPackages(systemId) source code
Raises up2dateErrors.InvalidProtocolError if the server url has a protocol specified and it's not http or https.
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Returns 'hosted' if the url points to a known hosted server.
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All the data we gathered from dmi, bios, gudev are in utf-8, we need to convert characters beyond ord(127) - e.g ® to unicode.
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_activate_hardware(login, password) source code
activateHardwareInfo(username, password, hardwareInfo, orgId=None)
Tries to activate an entitlement linked to the hardware info that we read from the bios.
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spawnRhnCheckForUI() source code
Variables [hide private]
  support = None
  t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback= True)
  SYSID_DIR = '/etc/sysconfig/rhn'
  REMIND_FILE = '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/rhn_register_remind'
  HW_CODE_FILE = '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/hw-activation-code'
  RHSM_FILE = '/etc/pki/consumer/cert.pem'
  cfg = config.initUp2dateConfig()
  log = up2dateLog.initLog()
  __package__ = 'up2date_client'
Function Details [hide private]


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This function returns the UUID and virtualization type of this system, if it is a guest. Otherwise, it returns None. To figure this out, we'll use a number of heuristics (list in order of precedence):

  1. Check /proc/xen/xsd_port. If exists, we know the system is a host; exit.
  2. Check SMBIOS. If vendor='Xen' and UUID is non-zero, we know the system is a fully-virt guest; exit.
  3. Check /sys/hypervisor/uuid. If exists and is non-zero, we know the system is a para-virt guest; exit.
  4. If non of the above checks worked; we know we have a non-xen-enabled system; exit.


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This function checks /sys/hypervisor/uuid to see if the system is a para-virt guest. It returns a (uuid, virt_type) tuple.


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This function looks in the SMBIOS area to determine if this is a fully-virt guest. It returns a (uuid, virt_type) tuple.

registerSystem(username=None, password=None, profileName=None, token=None, other=None)

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Wrapper for the old xmlrpc to register a system. Activates subscriptions if a reg num is given.

registerSystem2(username=None, password=None, profileName=None, packages=None, activationKey=None, other={})

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Uses the new xmlrpcs to register a system. Returns a dict instead of just system id.

The main differences between this and registerSystem and that this doesn't do activation and does child channel subscriptions if possible. See the documentation for the xmlrpc handlers in backend for more detail.

If nothing is going to be in other, it can be {} or None.

New in RHEL 5.


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Returns 'hosted' if the url points to a known hosted server. Otherwise returns 'satellite'.

activateHardwareInfo(username, password, hardwareInfo, orgId=None)

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Tries to activate an entitlement linked to the hardware info that we
read from the bios.

Returns an ActivationResult.
Can raise:
    Invalid number.
    Hardware info is not entitling.
    Communication errors, etc