Package up2date_client :: Module messageWindow
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Source Code for Module up2date_client.messageWindow

  3  import gettext 
  4  t = gettext.translation('rhn-client-tools', fallback=True) 
  5  # Python 3 translations don't have a ugettext method 
  6  if not hasattr(t, 'ugettext'): 
  7      t.ugettext = t.gettext 
  8  _ = t.ugettext 
 10  from up2date_client.gtk_compat import gtk, GTK3 
 12  if GTK3: 
 13      DIALOG_LABEL = 0 
 14  else: 
 15      DIALOG_LABEL = 1 
 17  # wrap a long line... 
18 -def wrap_line(line, max_line_size = 100):
19 if len(line) < max_line_size: 20 return line 21 ret = [] 22 l = "" 23 for w in line.split(): 24 if not len(l): 25 l = w 26 continue 27 if len(l) > max_line_size: 28 ret.append(l) 29 l = w 30 else: 31 l = "%s %s" % (l, w) 32 if len(l): 33 ret.append(l) 34 return '\n'.join(ret)
35 36 # wrap an entire piece of text
37 -def wrap_text(txt):
38 return '\n'.join(map(wrap_line, txt.split('\n')))
40 -def addFrame(dialog):
41 contents = dialog.get_children()[0] 42 dialog.remove(contents) 43 frame = gtk.Frame() 44 frame.set_shadow_type(gtk.SHADOW_OUT) 45 frame.add(contents) 46 dialog.add(frame)
48 -class MessageWindow:
49 - def getrc (self):
50 return self.rc
52 - def hide(self):
53 self.dialog.hide() 54 self.dialog.destroy() 55 gtk.main_iteration_do(True)
57 - def __init__ (self, title, text, type="ok", default=None, parent=None):
58 self.rc = None 59 if type == 'ok': 60 buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK 61 style = gtk.MESSAGE_INFO 62 elif type == 'warning': 63 buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK 64 style = gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING 65 elif type == 'okcancel': 66 buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK_CANCEL 67 style = gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING 68 elif type == 'yesno': 69 buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO 70 style = gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION 71 elif type == "error": 72 buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK 73 style = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR 74 elif type == "question": 75 buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO 76 style = gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION 77 78 self.dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent, 0, style, buttons) 79 # Work around for bug #602609 80 try: 81 self.dialog.vbox.get_children()[0].get_children()[DIALOG_LABEL].\ 82 get_children()[0].set_line_wrap(False) 83 except: 84 self.dialog.label.set_line_wrap(False) 85 self.dialog.set_markup(text) 86 if default == "no": 87 self.dialog.set_default_response(0) 88 elif default == "yes" or default == "ok": 89 self.dialog.set_default_response(1) 90 else: 91 self.dialog.set_default_response(0) 92 93 addFrame(self.dialog) 94 self.dialog.set_position (gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) 95 self.dialog.show_all () 96 rc = 97 if rc == gtk.RESPONSE_OK or rc == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: 98 self.rc = 1 99 elif (rc == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL or rc == gtk.RESPONSE_NO 100 or rc == gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE): 101 self.rc = 0 102 self.dialog.destroy()
104 -class ErrorDialog(MessageWindow):
105 - def __init__ (self, text, parent=None):
106 MessageWindow.__init__(self,_("Error:"), 107 text, 108 type="error", 109 parent=parent)
111 -class YesNoDialog(MessageWindow):
112 - def __init__ (self, text, parent=None):
113 MessageWindow.__init__(self,_("Yes/No dialog:"), 114 text, 115 type="yesno", 116 parent=parent)
118 -class BulletedOkDialog:
119 """A dialog box that can have one more sections of text. Each section can 120 be standard blob of text or a bulleted item. 121 122 """
123 - def __init__ (self, title=None, parent=None):
124 self.rc = None 125 self.dialog = gtk.Dialog(title, parent, 0, ("Close", 1)) 126 if hasattr(self.dialog, 'set_has_separator'): 127 self.dialog.set_has_separator(False) 128 # Vbox to contain just the stuff that will be add to the dialog with 129 # addtext 130 self.vbox = gtk.VBox(spacing=15) 131 self.vbox.set_border_width(15) 132 # Put our vbox into the top part of the dialog 133 self.dialog.get_children()[0].pack_start(self.vbox, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0)
135 - def add_text(self, text):
136 label = gtk.Label(text) 137 label.set_alignment(0, 0) 138 label.set_line_wrap(True) 139 self.vbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0)
141 - def add_bullet(self, text):
142 label = gtk.Label(text) 143 label.set_alignment(0, 0) 144 label.set_line_wrap(True) 145 hbox = gtk.HBox(spacing=5) 146 bullet = gtk.Label(u'\u2022') 147 bullet.set_alignment(0, 0) 148 hbox.pack_start(bullet, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0) 149 hbox.pack_start(label, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0) 150 self.vbox.pack_start(hbox, expand=False, fill=True, padding=0)
152 - def run(self):
153 # addFrame(self.dialog) # Need to do this differently if we want it 154 self.dialog.set_position(gtk.WIN_POS_CENTER) 155 self.dialog.show_all() 156 rc = 157 if (rc == gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL or rc == gtk.RESPONSE_NO 158 or rc == gtk.RESPONSE_CLOSE): 159 self.rc = 0 160 self.dialog.destroy() 161 gtk.main_iteration_do(True)
163 - def getrc (self):
164 return self.rc