Package src :: Module jabber_lib :: Class JabberClient
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class JabberClient

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Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature
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_auth_dispatch(self, stanza) source code
_build_stanza(self, stanza)
Builds one stanza according to the handlers we have registered via registerHandler or registerProtocol
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_check_signature(self, stanza, actions=None) source code
_check_signature_from_message(self, stanza, actions) source code
_create_signature(self, jid, action) source code
_fix_jid(self, jid) source code
_header_string(self) source code
_orig_dispatch(self, stanza) source code
_presence_callback(self, client, stanza)
If the roster is enabled, presence stanzas with type="subscribed" should never be received - the server will initiate a roster push instead
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_roster_callback(self, client, stanza) source code
_setupComms(self) source code
_strip_resource(self, jid) source code
_waitForResponse(self, ID, timeout=300) source code
add_trusted_cert(self, trusted_cert) source code
auth(self, username, password, resource, register=1)
Try to authenticate the username with the specified password If the authentication fails, try to register the user.
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cancel_subscription(self, jids) source code
Attempt to connect to specified host
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Safely disconnects from the connected server
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disconnectHandler(self, conn)
Called when a Network Error or disconnection occurs.
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fileno(self) source code
get_one_stanza(self, timeout=None)
Returns one stanza (or None if timeout is set)
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get_unique_id(self) source code
header(self) source code
jid_available(self, jid) source code
match_stanza_tags(self, stanza, tag_name, namespace=None)
Get the matching (child) tags of this stanza, possibly with the specified namespace
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process(self, timeout=None)
Receives incoming data (if any) and processes it.
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process_loop_hook(self) source code
Reads incoming data.
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register(self, username, password) source code
Request the roster.
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send(self, stanza)
Sends a jabber protocol element (Node) to the server
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send_message(self, jid, action) source code
send_presence(self, jid=None, type=None, xid=None) source code
set_jid_available(self, jid) source code
set_jid_unavailable(self, jid) source code
ssl_verify_callback(self, conn, cert, errnum, depth, ok) source code
subscribe_to_presence(self, jids)
Subscribe to these nodes' presence The subscription in jabber works like this:
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verify_peer(self, ssl) source code
waitForResponse(self, ID, timeout=300)
Blocks untils a protocol element with the given id is received.
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Inherited from jabber.jabber.Client: addRosterItem, deregister, discoverInfo, discoverItems, getRegInfo, getRoster, removeRosterItem, requestAgents, requestRegInfo, requestRoster, sendInitPresence, sendPresence, sendRegInfo, setRegInfo, updateRosterItem

Inherited from jabber.jabber.Client (private): _IqAgentsResult, _IqRegisterResult, _IqRosterManage, _discover, _presenceHandler

Inherited from jabber.jabber.Connection: SendAndWaitForResponse, dispatch, getAnID, registerHandler, registerProtocol, setDisconnectHandler, setIqHandler, setMessageHandler, setPresenceHandler

Inherited from jabber.jabber.Connection (private): _expectedIqHandler

Inherited from jabber.xmlstream.Client: getSocket

Inherited from jabber.xmlstream.Stream: disconnected, getIncomingID, getOutgoingID, log, timestampLog, write

Inherited from jabber.xmlstream.NodeBuilder: DEBUG, getDom, handle_data, unknown_endtag, unknown_starttag

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables [hide private]
  BLOCK_SIZE = 1024
  _seq = 0
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)

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x.__init__(...) initializes x; see help(type(x)) for signature

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: jabber.xmlstream.Client._setupComms

auth(self, username, password, resource, register=1)

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Try to authenticate the username with the specified password If the authentication fails, try to register the user. If that fails as well, then JabberQualifiedError is raised

Overrides: jabber.jabber.Client.auth


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Attempt to connect to specified host

Overrides: jabber.xmlstream.Stream.connect


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Safely disconnects from the connected server

Overrides: jabber.xmlstream.Stream.disconnect
(inherited documentation)

disconnectHandler(self, conn)

source code 

Called when a Network Error or disconnection occurs. Designed to be overidden

Overrides: jabber.xmlstream.Stream.disconnectHandler
(inherited documentation)


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Overrides: jabber.jabber.Connection.header

process(self, timeout=None)

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Receives incoming data (if any) and processes it. Waits for data no more than timeout seconds.

Overrides: jabber.xmlstream.Stream.process
(inherited documentation)


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Reads incoming data. Blocks until done. Calls self.disconnected(self) if appropriate.

(inherited documentation)


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Request the roster. Will register the roster callback, but the call will wait for the roster to be properly populated

send(self, stanza)

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Sends a jabber protocol element (Node) to the server

Overrides: jabber.jabber.Connection.send
(inherited documentation)

subscribe_to_presence(self, jids)

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Subscribe to these nodes' presence
The subscription in jabber works like this:

Contact 1    State Contact 1     State Contact 2   Contact 2
subscribe  -> [ none + ask ]
                                 [ from ]       <- subscribed
              [ to ]
                                 [ from + ask ] <- subscribe
subscribed -> [ both ]
                                 [ both ]

Enclosed in square brackets is the state when the communication took

waitForResponse(self, ID, timeout=300)

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Blocks untils a protocol element with the given id is received. If an error is received, waitForResponse returns None and self.lastErr and self.lastErrCode is set to the received error. If the operation times out (which only happens if a timeout value is given), waitForResponse will return None and self.lastErr will be set to "Timeout". Changed default from timeout=0 to timeout=300 to avoid hangs in scripts and such. If you _really_ want no timeout, just set it to 0

Overrides: jabber.jabber.Connection.waitForResponse
(inherited documentation)