Package config_common :: Module utils
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Module utils

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Functions [hide private]
os.path.normpath does not remove path separator duplicates at the beginning of the path
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join_path(*args) source code
Given a path, it fully splits it into constituent path components (as opposed to os.path.split which splits it into trailing component and preceeding path
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copyfile_p(src, dst)
Simple util function, copies src path to dst path, making directories as necessary.
source code
mkdir_p(path, mode=None, symlinks=None, allfiles=None)
Similar to 'mkdir -p' -- makes all directories necessary to ensure the 'path' is a directory, and return the list of directories that were made as a result
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rmdir_p(path, stoppath)
if rmdir had a -p option, this would be it.
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rm_trailing_slash(slashstring) source code
getContentChecksum(checksum_type, contents) source code
sha256_file(filename) source code
parse_url(server_url, scheme='https') source code
unparse_url(url_tuple) source code
get_home_dir() source code
Variables [hide private]
  hashlib_has_usedforsecurity = True
  _normpath_re = re.compile(r'^(/)+')
  __package__ = 'config_common'
Function Details [hide private]

copyfile_p(src, dst)

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Simple util function, copies src path to dst path, making directories as necessary. File permissions are not preserved.

rmdir_p(path, stoppath)

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if rmdir had a -p option, this would be it. remove dir and up until empty dir is hit, or stoppath is reached

path and stoppath have to be absolute paths