Package backend :: Package server :: Package rhnServer :: Module satellite_cert
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Source Code for Module backend.server.rhnServer.satellite_cert

  1  # 
  2  # Copyright (c) 2008--2013 Red Hat, Inc. 
  3  # 
  4  # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, 
  5  # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or 
  6  # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 
  8  # along with this software; if not, see 
  9  # 
 10  # 
 11  # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is 
 12  # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated 
 13  # in this software or its documentation. 
 14  # 
 15  # 
 16  # This module exposes the SatelliteCert class, used for parsing a satellite 
 17  # certificate 
 18  # 
 20  import string 
 21  import sys 
 22  from xml.dom.minidom import parseString 
 23  from xml.sax import SAXParseException 
26 -class ParseException(Exception):
27 pass
28 29 30 # Generic class to represent items (like channel families)
31 -class Item:
32 # pylint: disable=R0903 33 34 # Name to be displayed by repr() 35 pretty_name = None 36 # Attribute name in the parent class 37 attribute_name = None 38 # Mapping from XML to local storage 39 attributes = {} 40
41 - def __init__(self, node=None):
42 if not node: 43 return 44 for attr_name, storage_name in self.attributes.items(): 45 attr = node.getAttribute(attr_name) 46 # Make sure we stringify the attribute - it may get out as unicode 47 setattr(self, storage_name, attr)
49 - def __repr__(self):
50 return "<%s; %s>" % (self.pretty_name, 51 string.join( 52 ['%s="%s"' % (x, getattr(self, x)) for x in self.attributes.values()], 53 ', ' 54 ))
55 56
57 -class ChannelFamily(Item):
58 # pylint: disable=R0903 59 60 pretty_name = "channel family" 61 attribute_name = 'channel_families' 62 attributes = {'family': 'name', 'quantity': 'quantity', 'flex': 'flex'}
63 64
65 -class Slots:
66 _db_label = None 67 _slot_name = None 68
69 - def __init__(self, quantity):
70 self.quantity = quantity
72 - def get_quantity(self):
73 return self.quantity
75 - def get_db_label(self):
76 """Returns the label of this type of slot in the database""" 77 return self._db_label
79 - def get_slot_name(self):
80 """Returns the name of the slot, used by 81 rhn_entitlements.modify_org_service""" 82 return self._slot_name
83 84
85 -class ManagementSlots(Slots):
86 _db_label = 'enterprise_entitled' 87 _slot_name = 'enterprise'
88 89
90 -class ProvisioningSlots(Slots):
91 _db_label = 'provisioning_entitled' 92 _slot_name = 'provisioning'
93 94 # Slots for virt entitlements support 95 96
97 -class VirtualizationSlots(Slots):
98 _db_label = 'virtualization_host' 99 _slot_name = 'virtualization'
100 101
102 -class VirtualizationPlatformSlots(Slots):
103 _db_label = 'virtualization_host_platform' 104 _slot_name = 'virtualization_platform'
105 106 # NonLinux slots are gone - misa 20050527 107 108
109 -class MonitoringSlots(Slots):
110 _db_label = 'monitoring_entitled' 111 _slot_name = 'monitoring'
112 113
114 -class SatelliteCert:
115 116 """Satellite certificate class 117 Usage: 118 c = SatelliteCert() 119 c.load('<rhn-cert><rhn-cert-field name="owner">John Doe</rhn-cert-field></rhn-cert>') 120 print c.owner 121 """ 122 123 fields_scalar = ['product', 'owner', 'issued', 'expires', 'slots', 124 'provisioning-slots', 'nonlinux-slots', 125 'monitoring-slots', 'virtualization_host', 126 'virtualization_host_platform', 'satellite-version', 127 'generation', ] 128 fields_list = {'channel-families': ChannelFamily} 129 130 # datesFormat_cert = '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y' ## OLD CERT FORMAT 131 datesFormat_cert = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' 132 datesFormat_db = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S' 133
134 - def __init__(self):
135 for f in self.fields_scalar: 136 setattr(self, f, None) 137 for f in self.fields_list.values(): 138 setattr(self, f.attribute_name, []) 139 self.signature = None 140 self._slots = {} 141 self._root = None
143 - def load(self, s):
144 try: 145 self._load(s) 146 except SAXParseException: 147 raise ParseException(None, sys.exc_info()[2]) 148 # Now represent the slots in a more meaningful way 149 self._slots.clear() 150 for slot_name, (slot_attr, factory) in self._slot_maps.items(): 151 quantity = getattr(self, slot_attr) 152 self._slots[slot_name] = factory(quantity) 153 154 return self
156 - def _load(self, s):
157 dom_element = parseString(s) 158 certs = dom_element.getElementsByTagName("rhn-cert") 159 if not certs: 160 self._root = None 161 else: 162 self._root = certs[0] 163 for child in self._root.childNodes: 164 if child.nodeType != child.ELEMENT_NODE: 165 # Probably white space 166 continue 167 if child.nodeName == 'rhn-cert-field': 168 field_name = child.getAttribute("name") 169 if not field_name: 170 # XXX Bogus 171 continue 172 if field_name in self.fields_scalar: 173 val = get_text(child) 174 if not val: 175 continue 176 setattr(self, field_name, val) 177 continue 178 if field_name in self.fields_list: 179 val = self.fields_list[field_name](child) 180 l = getattr(self, val.attribute_name) 181 l.append(val) 182 elif child.nodeName == 'rhn-cert-signature': 183 self.signature = get_text(child) 184 # Python's docs say: When you are finished with a DOM, you should 185 # clean it up. This is necessary because some versions of Python do 186 # not support garbage collection of objects that refer to each other 187 # in a cycle. Until this restriction is removed from all versions of 188 # Python, it is safest to write your code as if cycles would not be 189 # cleaned up. 190 dom_element.unlink()
191 192 _slot_maps = { 193 'management': ('slots', ManagementSlots), 194 'provisioning': ('provisioning-slots', ProvisioningSlots), 195 'monitoring': ('monitoring-slots', MonitoringSlots), 196 'virtualization': ('virtualization_host', VirtualizationSlots), 197 'virtualization_platform': ('virtualization_host_platform', VirtualizationPlatformSlots) 198 } 199
200 - def get_slots(self, slot_type):
201 if slot_type not in self._slots: 202 raise AttributeError(slot_type) 203 return self._slots[slot_type]
205 - def get_slot_types(self):
206 return self._slot_maps.keys()
208 - def lookup_slot_by_db_label(self, db_label):
209 # Given a string like 'sw_mgr_entitled', returns a string 'management' 210 for label, (_, slot_class) in self._slot_maps.items(): 211 if slot_class._db_label == db_label: 212 return label 213 return None
214 215
216 -def get_text(node):
217 return string.join([ for x in node.childNodes if x.nodeType == x.TEXT_NODE], "")