Package backend :: Package server :: Package rhnSQL :: Module sql_table
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Source Code for Module backend.server.rhnSQL.sql_table

  1  # 
  2  # Copyright (c) 2008--2016 Red Hat, Inc. 
  3  # 
  4  # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, 
  5  # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or 
  6  # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 
  8  # along with this software; if not, see 
  9  # 
 10  # 
 11  # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is 
 12  # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated 
 13  # in this software or its documentation. 
 14  # 
 15  # classes definitions for working with a sql table 
 16  # 
 17  # 
 19  import string 
 21  from rhn.UserDictCase import UserDictCase 
 22  from spacewalk.common.rhnException import rhnException 
 24  import sql_base 
 25  import sql_lib 
 28  # A class to handle row updates transparently 
29 -class RowData(UserDictCase):
31 - def __init__(self, dict, db, sql, rowid, cache=None):
32 UserDictCase.__init__(self, dict) 33 if not isinstance(db, sql_base.Database): 34 raise TypeError("Second argument needs to be a database handle") 35 self.__db = db 36 self.__sql = sql 37 self.__rowid = rowid 38 self.__cache = cache
39 40 # now the real function that supports updating
41 - def __setitem__(self, key, value):
42 sql = self.__sql % key 43 h = self.__db.prepare(sql) 44 h.execute(new_val=value, row_id=self.__rowid) 45 # keep in sync 46[key] = value 47 if self.__cache: # maintain cache consistency 48 try: 49 self.__cache[self.__rowid][key] = value 50 except: 51 pass
52 53 54 # A class to handle operations on a table. 55 # 56 # While this class allows you to perform queries and updates on a row 57 # within a table, it is recommended you use the Row class if you ever 58 # need to touch a single row of data. On the other hand, if you need 59 # to jump a lot in the table from one row to another this class is 60 # more efficient because it works as a hash of hashes, if you will... 61 # 62 # Some day we'll figure out how to reduce confusion...
63 -class Table:
65 - def __init__(self, db, table, hashid, cache=False):
66 if not table or not isinstance(table, str): 67 raise rhnException("First argument needs to be a table name", 68 table) 69 self.__table = table 70 if not hashid or not isinstance(hashid, str): 71 raise rhnException("Second argument needs to be the name of the unique index column", 72 hashid) 73 self.__hashid = hashid 74 if not isinstance(db, sql_base.Database): 75 raise rhnException("Argument db is not a database instance", db) 76 self.__db = db 77 self.__cache = None 78 if cache: 79 self.__cache = {}
81 - def set_cache(self, value):
82 if not value: 83 self.__cache = None 84 return 85 if self.__cache is not None: # already enabled 86 return 87 self.__cache = {}
88 89 # insert row(s) into the table
90 - def insert(self, rows):
91 # insert a single row into the table 92 def insert_row(row, self=self): 93 if self.__cache is not None: 94 self.__cache[row[self.__hashid]] = row 95 return self.__setitem__(None, row)
96 if isinstance(rows, dict) or isinstance(rows, UserDictCase): 97 return insert_row(rows) 98 if isinstance(rows, list): 99 for x in rows: 100 insert_row(x) 101 return None 102 raise rhnException("Invalid data %s passed" % type(rows), rows)
103 104 # select from the whole table all the entries that match the 105 # valuies of the hash provided (kind of a complex select)
106 - def select(self, row):
107 if not isinstance(row, dict) and not isinstance(row, UserDictCase): 108 raise rhnException("Expecting hash argument. %s is invalid" % type(row), 109 row) 110 if row == {}: 111 raise rhnException("The hash argument is empty", row) 112 keys = list(row.keys()) 113 # Sort the list of keys, to always get the same list of arguments 114 keys.sort() 115 args = [] 116 for col in keys: 117 if row[col] in (None, ''): 118 clause = "%s is null" % col 119 else: 120 clause = "%s = :%s" % (col, col) 121 args.append(clause) 122 sql = "select * from %s where " % self.__table 123 cursor = self.__db.prepare(sql + string.join(args, " and ")) 124 cursor.execute(**row) 125 rows = cursor.fetchall_dict() 126 if rows is None: 127 return None 128 # fill up the cache 129 if self.__cache is not None: 130 for row in rows: 131 self.__cache[row[self.__hashid]] = row 132 return [UserDictCase(a) for a in rows]
133 134 # print it out
135 - def __repr__(self):
136 return "<%s> instance for table `%s' keyed on `%s'" % ( 137 self.__class__, self.__table, self.__hashid)
138 139 # make this table look like a dictionary
140 - def __getitem__(self, key):
141 if self.__cache and key in self.__cache: 142 return self.__cache[key] 143 h = self.__db.prepare("select * from %s where %s = :p1" % ( 144 self.__table, self.__hashid)) 145 h.execute(p1=key) 146 ret = h.fetchone_dict() 147 if ret is None: 148 if self.__cache is not None: 149 self.__cache[key] = None 150 return None 151 xret = UserDictCase(ret) 152 if self.__cache is not None: 153 self.__cache[key] = xret 154 return xret
155 156 # this one is pretty much like __getitem__, but returns a nice 157 # reference to a RowData instance that allows the returned hash to 158 # be modified.
159 - def get(self, key):
160 ret = self.__getitem__(key) 161 if self.__cache and key in self.__cache: 162 del self.__cache[key] 163 sql = "update %s set %%s = :new_val where %s = :row_id" % ( 164 self.__table, self.__hashid) 165 return RowData(ret, self.__db, sql, key, self.__cache)
166 167 # database insertion, dictionary style (pass in the hash with the 168 # values for all columns except the one that functions as the 169 # primary key identifier
170 - def __setitem__(self, key, value):
171 if not isinstance(value, dict) and not isinstance(value, UserDictCase): 172 raise TypeError("Expected value to be a hash") 173 if self.__hashid in value: # we don't need that 174 if key is None: 175 key = value[self.__hashid] 176 del value[self.__hashid] 177 178 if key is None: 179 raise KeyError("Can not insert entry with NULL key") 180 items = list(value.items()) 181 if items == []: # quick check for noop 182 return 183 sql = None 184 if self.has_key(key): 185 sql, pdict = sql_lib.build_sql_update(self.__table, self.__hashid, items) 186 else: 187 sql, pdict = sql_lib.build_sql_insert(self.__table, self.__hashid, items) 188 # import the value of the hash key 189 pdict["p0"] = key 190 h = self.__db.prepare(sql) 191 h.execute(**pdict) 192 try: 193 value[self.__hashid] = key 194 self.__cache[key] = value 195 except: 196 pass
197 198 # length
199 - def __len__(self):
200 h = self.__db.prepare("select count(*) as ID from %s" % self.__table) 201 h.execute() 202 row = h.fetchone_dict() 203 if row is None: 204 return 0 205 return int(row["id"])
206 207 # delete an entry by the key
208 - def __delitem__(self, key):
209 h = self.__db.prepare("delete from %s where %s = :p1" % ( 210 self.__table, self.__hashid)) 211 h.execute(p1=key) 212 try: 213 del self.__cache[key] 214 except: 215 pass 216 return 0
217 218 # get all keys
219 - def keys(self):
220 h = self.__db.prepare("select %s NAME from %s" % ( 221 self.__hashid, self.__table)) 222 h.execute() 223 data = h.fetchall_dict() 224 if data is None: 225 return [] 226 return [a["name"] for a in data]
227 228 # has_key 229 # if we're caching, fetch the row and cache it; else, fetch the 230 # smaller value
231 - def has_key(self, key):
232 if self.__cache is not None: 233 h = self.__db.prepare("select * from %s where %s = :p1" % 234 (self.__table, self.__hashid)) 235 else: 236 h = self.__db.prepare("select %s from %s where %s = :p1" % 237 (self.__hashid, self.__table, self.__hashid)) 238 h.execute(p1=key) 239 row = h.fetchone_dict() 240 if not row: 241 return 0 242 # stuff it in the cache if we need to do so 243 if self.__cache is not None: 244 self.__cache[key] = row 245 # XXX: can this thing fail in any other way? 246 return 1
247 248 # flush the cache. if cache is off, then noop
249 - def flush(self):
250 if self.__cache is not None: # avoid turning caching on when flushing 251 self.__cache = {}
252 253 # passthrough commit
254 - def commit(self):
255 return self.__db.commit()
256 257 # passthrough rollback
258 - def rollback(self):
259 self.flush() 260 return self.__db.rollback()
262 - def printcache(self):
263 print(self.__cache) 264 return