Package backend :: Package server :: Package handlers :: Package xmlrpc :: Module queue
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Source Code for Module backend.server.handlers.xmlrpc.queue

  1  # Queue functions on the server side. 
  2  # 
  3  # Copyright (c) 2008--2016 Red Hat, Inc. 
  4  # 
  5  # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, 
  6  # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or 
  7  # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  8  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 
  9  # along with this software; if not, see 
 10  # 
 11  # 
 12  # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is 
 13  # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated 
 14  # in this software or its documentation. 
 15  # 
 17  import sys 
 18  import time 
 19  try: 
 20      #  python 2 
 21      import xmlrpclib 
 22  except ImportError: 
 23      #  python3 
 24      import xmlrpc.client as xmlrpclib 
 26  from spacewalk.common.usix import IntType, TupleType, UnicodeType 
 28  # Global modules 
 29  from spacewalk.common.usix import raise_with_tb 
 30  from spacewalk.common import rhnFlags 
 31  from spacewalk.common.rhnLog import log_debug, log_error 
 32  from spacewalk.common.rhnConfig import CFG 
 33  from spacewalk.common.rhnException import rhnFault 
 34  from spacewalk.common.rhnTranslate import _ 
 35  from spacewalk.common.rhnTB import Traceback 
 36  from spacewalk.server.rhnHandler import rhnHandler 
 37  from spacewalk.server import rhnSQL, rhnCapability, rhnAction 
 38  from spacewalk.server.rhnLib import InvalidAction, EmptyAction, ShadowAction 
 39  from spacewalk.server.rhnServer import server_kickstart 
 41  import getMethod 
44 -class Queue(rhnHandler):
45 46 """ XMLRPC queue functions that we will provide for the outside world. """ 47
48 - def __init__(self):
49 """ Add a list of functions we are willing to server out. """ 50 rhnHandler.__init__(self) 51 self.functions.append('get') 52 self.functions.append('get_future_actions') 53 self.functions.append('length') 54 self.functions.append('submit') 55 56 # XXX I am not proud of this. There should be a generic way to map 57 # the client's error codes into success status codes 58 self.action_type_completed_codes = { 59 'errata.update': { 60 39: None, 61 }, 62 }
64 - def __getV1(self, action):
65 """ Fetches old queued actions for the client version 1. """ 66 log_debug(3, self.server_id) 67 actionId = action['id'] 68 method = action["method"] 69 if method == 'packages.update': 70 xml = self.__packageUpdate(actionId) 71 elif method == 'errata.update': 72 xml = self.__errataUpdate(actionId) 73 elif method == 'hardware.refresh_list': 74 xml = xmlrpclib.dumps(("hardware",), methodname="client.refresh") 75 elif method == 'packages.refresh_list': 76 xml = xmlrpclib.dumps(("rpmlist",), methodname="client.refresh") 77 else: # Unrecognized, skip 78 raise InvalidAction("Action method %s unsupported by " 79 "Update Agent Client" % method) 80 # all good 81 return {'id': actionId, 'version': 1, 'action': xml}
83 - def __getV2(self, action, dry_run=0):
84 """ Fetches queued actions for the clients version 2+. """ 85 log_debug(3, self.server_id) 86 # Get the root dir of this install 87 try: 88 method = getMethod.getMethod(action['method'], 89 'server.action') 90 except getMethod.GetMethodException: 91 Traceback("queue.get V2") 92 raise_with_tb(EmptyAction("Could not get a valid method for %s" % ( 93 action['method'],)), sys.exc_info()[2]) 94 # Call the method 95 result = method(self.server_id, action['id'], dry_run) 96 if result is None: 97 # None are mapped to the empty list 98 result = () 99 elif not isinstance(result, TupleType): 100 # Everything other than a tuple is wrapped in a tuple 101 result = (result, ) 102 103 xmlblob = xmlrpclib.dumps(result, methodname=action['method']) 104 log_debug(5, "returning xmlblob for action", xmlblob) 105 return { 106 'id': action['id'], 107 'action': xmlblob, 108 'version': action['version'], 109 }
111 - def __update_status(self, status):
112 """ Update the runnng kernel and the last boot values for this 113 server from the status dictionary passed on queue checkin. 114 115 Record last running kernel and uptime. Only update 116 last_boot if it has changed by more than five seconds. We 117 don't know the timezone the server is in. or even if its 118 clock is right, but we do know it can properly track seconds 119 since it rebooted, and use our own clocks to keep proper 120 track of the actual time. 121 """ 122 123 rhnSQL.set_log_auth_login('CLIENT') 124 if 'uname' in status: 125 kernelver = status['uname'][2] 126 if kernelver != self.server.server["running_kernel"]: 127 self.server.server["running_kernel"] = kernelver 128 129 # XXX:We should be using Oracle's sysdate() for this management 130 # In the case of multiple app servers in mutiple time zones all the 131 # results are skewed. 132 if 'uptime' in status: 133 uptime = status['uptime'] 134 if isinstance(uptime, type([])) and len(uptime): 135 # Toss the other values. For now 136 uptime = uptime[0] 137 try: 138 uptime = float(uptime) 139 except ValueError: 140 # Wrong value passed by the client 141 pass 142 else: 143 last_boot = time.time() - uptime 144 if abs(last_boot - self.server.server["last_boot"]) > 5: 145 self.server.server["last_boot"] = last_boot 146 self.__set_reboot_action_to_succcess() 147 148 # this is smart enough to do a NOOP if nothing changed. 149
152 h = rhnSQL.prepare(""" 153 update rhnServerAction 154 set status = 2 155 where server_id = :server_id 156 and action_id in ( 157 select sa.action_id 158 from rhnServerAction sa 159 join rhnAction a on sa.action_id = 160 join rhnActionType at on a.action_type = 161 where sa.server_id = :server_id 162 and sa.status = 1 163 and at.label = 'reboot.reboot' 164 ) 165 """) 166 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id)
168 - def __should_snapshot(self):
169 log_debug(4, self.server_id, "determining whether to snapshot...") 170 171 entitlements = self.server.check_entitlement() 172 if "enterprise_entitled" not in entitlements: 173 return 0 174 175 # ok, take the snapshot before attempting this action 176 return 1
178 - def _invalidate_child_actions(self, action_id):
179 f_action_ids = rhnAction.invalidate_action(self.server_id, action_id) 180 for f_action_id in f_action_ids: 181 # Invalidate any kickstart session that depends on this action 182 server_kickstart.update_kickstart_session(self.server_id, 183 f_action_id, action_status=3, kickstart_state='failed', 184 next_action_type=None) 185 return f_action_ids
188 h = rhnSQL.prepare(""" 189 select sa.action_id, a.prerequisite 190 from rhnServerAction sa, rhnAction a 191 where sa.server_id = :server_id 192 and sa.action_id = 193 and sa.status in (0, 1) -- Queued or picked up 194 and a.prerequisite is not null 195 and exists ( 196 select 1 197 from rhnServerAction 198 where server_id = sa.server_id 199 and action_id = a.prerequisite 200 and status = 3 -- failed 201 ) 202 """) 203 204 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id) 205 while 1: 206 row = h.fetchone_dict() 207 if not row: 208 break 209 210 action_id, prereq_action_id = row['action_id'], row['prerequisite'] 211 212 self._invalidate_child_actions(action_id)
213 _query_future_enabled = rhnSQL.Statement(""" 214 select staging_content_enabled 215 from rhnOrgConfiguration oc, 216 rhnServer s 217 where s.org_id = oc.org_id 218 and = :server_id 219 """) 220
221 - def _future_actions_enabled(self):
222 """ Returns true if staging content is enabled for this system """ 223 h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_future_enabled) 224 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id) 225 row = h.fetchone_dict() 226 log_debug(4, row["staging_content_enabled"]) 227 return row["staging_content_enabled"] == "Y"
228 229 _query_queue_future = rhnSQL.Statement(""" 230 select sa.action_id id, a.version, 231 sa.remaining_tries, at.label as method, 232 at.unlocked_only, 233 a.prerequisite 234 from rhnServerAction sa, 235 rhnAction a, 236 rhnActionType at 237 where sa.server_id = :server_id 238 and sa.action_id = 239 and a.action_type = 240 and sa.status in (0, 1) -- Queued or picked up 241 and a.earliest_action <= current_timestamp + numtodsinterval(:time_window * 3600, 'second') -- Check earliest_action 242 and at.label in ('packages.update', 'errata.update', 243 'packages.runTransaction', 'packages.fullUpdate') 244 order by a.earliest_action, a.prerequisite nulls first, 245 """) 246
247 - def get_future_actions(self, system_id, time_window):
248 """ return actions which are scheduled within next /time_window/ hours """ 249 self.auth_system(system_id) 250 log_debug(3, "Checking for future actions within %d hours" % time_window) 251 result = [] 252 if self._future_actions_enabled() and not self.__reboot_in_progress(): 253 h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_queue_future) 254 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id, time_window=time_window) 255 action = h.fetchone_dict() 256 while action: 257 log_debug(5, action) 258 result.append(self.__getV2(action, dry_run=1)) 259 action = h.fetchone_dict() 260 return result
261 262 _query_queue_get = rhnSQL.Statement(""" 263 select sa.action_id id, a.version, 264 sa.remaining_tries, at.label as method, 265 at.unlocked_only, 266 a.prerequisite 267 from rhnServerAction sa, 268 rhnAction a, 269 rhnActionType at 270 where sa.server_id = :server_id 271 and sa.action_id = 272 and a.action_type = 273 and sa.status in (0, 1) -- Queued or picked up 274 and a.earliest_action <= current_timestamp -- Check earliest_action 275 and not exists ( 276 select 1 277 from rhnServerAction sap 278 where sap.server_id = :server_id 279 and sap.action_id = a.prerequisite 280 and sap.status != 2 -- completed 281 ) 282 order by a.earliest_action, a.prerequisite nulls first, 283 """) 284 285 # Probably we need to figure out if we really need to split these two.
286 - def get(self, system_id, version=1, status={}):
287 # Authenticate the system certificate 288 if CFG.DISABLE_CHECKINS: 289 self.update_checkin = 0 290 else: 291 self.update_checkin = 1 292 self.auth_system(system_id) 293 log_debug(1, self.server_id, version, 294 "checkins %s" % ["disabled", "enabled"][self.update_checkin]) 295 if status: 296 self.__update_status(status) 297 298 # Update the capabilities list 299 rhnCapability.update_client_capabilities(self.server_id) 300 301 # Invalidate failed actions 302 self._invalidate_failed_prereq_actions() 303 304 server_locked = self.server.server_locked() 305 log_debug(3, "Server locked", server_locked) 306 307 if self.__reboot_in_progress(): 308 log_debug(3, "Server reboot in progress", self.server_id) 309 rhnSQL.commit() 310 return "" 311 312 ret = {} 313 # get the action. Status codes are currently: 314 # 0 Queued # 1 Picked Up # 2 Completed # 3 Failed 315 # XXX: we should really be using labels from rhnActionType instead of 316 # hard coded type id numbers. 317 # We fetch actions whose prerequisites have completed, and actions 318 # that don't have prerequisites at all 319 h = rhnSQL.prepare(self._query_queue_get) 320 321 should_execute = 1 322 323 # Loop to get a valid action 324 # (only one valid action will be dealt with per execution of this function...) 325 while 1: 326 if should_execute: 327 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id) 328 should_execute = 0 329 330 # Okay, got an action 331 action = h.fetchone_dict() 332 if not action: # No actions available; bail out 333 # Don't forget the commit at the end... 334 ret = "" 335 break 336 action_id = action['id'] 337 log_debug(4, "Checking action %s" % action_id) 338 # okay, now we have the action - process it. 339 if action['remaining_tries'] < 1: 340 log_debug(4, "Action %s picked up too many times" % action_id) 341 # We've run out of pickup attempts for this action... 342 self.__update_action(action_id, status=3, 343 message="This action has been picked up multiple times " 344 "without a successful transaction; " 345 "this action is now failed for this system.") 346 # Invalidate actions that depend on this one 347 self._invalidate_child_actions(action_id) 348 # keep looking for a good action to process... 349 continue 350 351 if server_locked and action['unlocked_only'] == 'Y': 352 # This action is locked 353 log_debug(4, "server id %s locked for action id %s" % ( 354 self.server_id, action_id)) 355 continue 356 357 try: 358 if version == 1: 359 ret = self.__getV1(action) 360 else: 361 ret = self.__getV2(action) 362 except ShadowAction: # Action the client should not see 363 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 364 # Make sure we re-execute the query, so we pick up whatever 365 # extra actions were added 366 should_execute = 1 367 text = e.args[0] 368 log_debug(4, "Shadow Action", text) 369 self.__update_action(action['id'], 2, 0, text) 370 continue 371 except InvalidAction: # This is an invalid action 372 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 373 # Update its status so it won't bother us again 374 text = e.args[0] 375 log_debug(4, "Invalid Action", text) 376 self.__update_action(action['id'], 3, -99, text) 377 continue 378 except EmptyAction: 379 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 380 # this means that we have some sort of internal error 381 # which gets reported in the logs. We don't touch the 382 # action because this should get fixed on our side. 383 log_error("Can not process action data", action, e.args) 384 ret = "" 385 break 386 else: # all fine 387 # Update the status of the action 388 h = rhnSQL.prepare(""" 389 update rhnServerAction 390 set status = 1, 391 pickup_time = current_timestamp, 392 remaining_tries = :tries - 1 393 where action_id = :action_id 394 and server_id = :server_id 395 """) 396 h.execute(action_id=action["id"], server_id=self.server_id, 397 tries=action["remaining_tries"]) 398 break 399 400 # commit all changes 401 rhnSQL.commit() 402 403 return ret
405 - def submit(self, system_id, action_id, result, message="", data={}):
406 """ Submit the results of a queue run. 407 Maps old and new rhn_check behavior to new database status codes 408 409 The new API uses 4 slightly different status codes than the 410 old client does. This function will "hopefully" sensibly 411 map them. Old methodology: 412 -rhn_check retrieves an action from the top of the action queue. 413 -It attempts to execute the desired action and returns either 414 (a) 0 -- presumed successful. 415 (b) rhnFault object -- presumed failed 416 (c) some other non-fault object -- *assumed* successful. 417 -Regardless of result code, action is marked as "executed" 418 419 We try to make a smarter status selection (i.e. failed||completed). 420 421 For reference: 422 New DB status codes: Old DB status codes: 423 0: Queued 0: queued 424 1: Picked Up 1: picked up 425 2: Completed 2: executed 426 3: Failed 3: completed 427 """ 428 if type(action_id) is not IntType: 429 # Convert it to int 430 try: 431 action_id = int(action_id) 432 except ValueError: 433 log_error("Invalid action_id", action_id) 434 raise_with_tb(rhnFault(30, _("Invalid action value type %s (%s)") % 435 (action_id, type(action_id))), sys.exc_info()[2]) 436 # Authenticate the system certificate 437 self.auth_system(system_id) 438 log_debug(1, self.server_id, action_id, result) 439 # check that the action is valid 440 # We have a uniqueness constraint on (action_id, server_id) 441 h = rhnSQL.prepare(""" 442 select at.label action_type, 443 at.trigger_snapshot, 444 445 from rhnServerAction sa, 446 rhnAction a, 447 rhnActionType at 448 where sa.server_id = :server_id 449 and sa.action_id = :action_id 450 and sa.status = 1 451 and = :action_id 452 and a.action_type = 453 """) 454 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id, action_id=action_id) 455 row = h.fetchone_dict() 456 if not row: 457 log_error("Server %s does not own action %s" % ( 458 self.server_id, action_id)) 459 raise rhnFault(22, _("Action %s does not belong to server %s") % ( 460 action_id, self.server_id)) 461 462 action_type = row['action_type'] 463 trigger_snapshot = (row['trigger_snapshot'] == 'Y') 464 465 if 'missing_packages' in data: 466 missing_packages = "Missing-Packages: %s" % str( 467 data['missing_packages']) 468 rmsg = "%s %s" % (message, missing_packages) 469 elif 'koan' in data: 470 rmsg = "%s: %s" % (message, data['koan']) 471 else: 472 rmsg = message 473 474 rcode = result 475 # Careful with this one, result can be a very complex thing 476 # and this processing is required for compatibility with old 477 # rhn_check clients 478 if type(rcode) == type({}): 479 if "faultCode" in result: 480 rcode = result["faultCode"] 481 if "faultString" in result: 482 rmsg = result["faultString"] + str(data) 483 if type(rcode) in [type({}), type(()), type([])] \ 484 or type(rcode) is not IntType: 485 rmsg = u"%s [%s]" % (UnicodeType(message), UnicodeType(rcode)) 486 rcode = -1 487 # map to db codes. 488 status = self.status_for_action_type_code(action_type, rcode) 489 490 if status == 3: 491 # Failed action - invalidate children 492 self._invalidate_child_actions(action_id) 493 elif action_type == 'reboot.reboot': 494 # reboot action should stay as pickup 495 rhnSQL.commit() 496 return 0 497 elif status == 2 and trigger_snapshot and self.__should_snapshot(): 498 # if action status is 'Completed', snapshot if allowed and if needed 499 self.server.take_snapshot("Scheduled action completion: %s" % row['name']) 500 501 self.__update_action(action_id, status, rcode, rmsg) 502 503 # Store the status in a flag - easier than to complicate the action 504 # plugin API by adding a status 505 rhnFlags.set('action_id', action_id) 506 rhnFlags.set('action_status', status) 507 508 self.process_extra_data(self.server_id, action_id, data=data, 509 action_type=action_type) 510 511 # commit, because nobody else will 512 rhnSQL.commit() 513 return 0
515 - def status_for_action_type_code(self, action_type, rcode):
516 """ Convert whatever the client sends as a result code into a status in the 517 database format 518 This is more complicated, since some of the client's result codes have 519 to be marked as successes. 520 """ 521 log_debug(4, action_type, rcode) 522 if rcode == 0: 523 # Completed 524 return 2 525 526 if action_type not in self.action_type_completed_codes: 527 # Failed 528 return 3 529 530 hash = self.action_type_completed_codes[action_type] 531 if rcode not in hash: 532 # Failed 533 return 3 534 535 # Completed 536 return 2
538 - def process_extra_data(self, server_id, action_id, data={}, 539 action_type=None):
540 log_debug(4, server_id, action_id, action_type) 541 542 if not action_type: 543 # Shouldn't happen 544 return 545 546 try: 547 method = getMethod.getMethod(action_type, 548 'server.action_extra_data') 549 except getMethod.GetMethodException: 550 Traceback("queue.get V2") 551 raise_with_tb(EmptyAction("Could not get a valid method for %s" % 552 action_type), sys.exc_info()[2]) 553 # Call the method 554 result = method(self.server_id, action_id, data=data) 555 return result
557 - def length(self, system_id):
558 """ Return the queue length for a certain server. """ 559 # Authenticate the system certificate 560 self.auth_system(system_id) 561 log_debug(1, self.server_id) 562 h = rhnSQL.prepare(""" 563 select 564 count(action_id) id 565 from 566 rhnServerAction r 567 where 568 r.server_id = :server_id 569 and r.status in (0, 1) 570 """) 571 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id) 572 data = h.fetchone_dict() 573 if data is None: 574 return 0 575 return data["id"]
576 577 # PRIVATE methods 578
579 - def __reboot_in_progress(self):
580 """check for a reboot action for this server in status Picked Up""" 581 log_debug(4, self.server_id) 582 h = rhnSQL.prepare(""" 583 select 1 584 from rhnServerAction sa 585 join rhnAction a on sa.action_id = 586 join rhnActionType at on a.action_type = 587 where sa.server_id = :server_id 588 and at.label = 'reboot.reboot' 589 and sa.status = 1 -- Picked Up 590 """) 591 h.execute(server_id=self.server_id) 592 ret = h.fetchone_dict() or None 593 if ret: 594 return True 595 return False
597 - def __update_action(self, action_id, status, 598 resultCode=None, message=""):
599 """ Update the status of an action. """ 600 log_debug(4, action_id, status, resultCode, message) 601 rhnAction.update_server_action(server_id=self.server_id, 602 action_id=action_id, status=status, 603 result_code=resultCode, result_message=message) 604 return 0
606 - def __errataUpdate(self, actionId):
607 """ Old client errata retrieval. """ 608 log_debug(3, self.server_id, actionId) 609 # get the names of the packages associated with each errata and 610 # look them up in channels subscribed to by the server and select 611 # the latest version 612 sql = """ 613 select 614 name, 615 pl.evr.version version, 616 pl.evr.release release 617 from ( 618 select 619 p.name_id, 620 max(pe.evr) evr 621 from 622 rhnPackageEVR pe, 623 rhnChannelPackage cp, 624 rhnPackage p, 625 rhnServerChannel sc, 626 ( 627 select 628 p_name.name_id id 629 from 630 rhnActionErrataUpdate aeu, 631 rhnErrataPackage ep, 632 rhnPackage p_name 633 where 634 aeu.action_id = :action_id 635 and aeu.errata_id = ep.errata_id 636 and ep.package_id = 637 ) nids 638 where 639 = p.name_id 640 and p.evr_id = 641 and = cp.package_id 642 and cp.channel_id = sc.channel_id 643 and sc.server_id = :server_id 644 group by p.name_id 645 ) pl, 646 rhnPackageName pn 647 where 648 = pl.name_id 649 """ 650 h = rhnSQL.prepare(sql) 651 h.execute(action_id=actionId, server_id=self.server_id) 652 653 packages = [] 654 while 1: 655 ret = h.fetchone_dict() 656 if not ret: 657 break 658 # older clients have issues with real epochs, se they are 659 # kind of irrelevant 660 packages.append([ret["name"], ret["version"], ret["release"], '']) 661 xml = xmlrpclib.dumps((packages,), methodname='client.update_packages') 662 return xml
664 - def __packageUpdate(self, actionId):
665 """ Old client package retrieval. """ 666 log_debug(3, self.server_id, actionId) 667 # The SQL query is a union of: 668 # - packages with a specific EVR 669 # - the latest packages (no EVR specified) 670 # XXX Should we want to schedule the install for a specific version, 671 # we'll have to modify this 672 statement = """ 673 select distinct 674 name, 675 -- decode the evr object selected earlier 676 pkglist.evr.version version, 677 pkglist.evr.release release 678 from ( 679 -- get the max of the two possible cases 680 select 681 name, 682 max(pl.evr) evr 683 from ( 684 -- if the EVR is specifically requested... 685 select 686 name, 687 pe.evr evr 688 from 689 rhnActionPackage ap, 690 rhnPackage p, 691 rhnPackageName pn, 692 rhnPackageEVR pe, 693 rhnServerChannel sc, 694 rhnChannelPackage cp 695 where 696 ap.action_id = :action_id 697 and ap.evr_id is NOT NULL 698 and ap.evr_id = p.evr_id 699 and ap.evr_id = 700 and ap.name_id = p.name_id 701 and ap.name_id = 702 and = cp.package_id 703 and cp.channel_id = sc.channel_id 704 and sc.server_id = :server_id 705 UNION 706 -- when no EVR requested, we need to compute the max available 707 -- from the channels the server is subscribed to 708 select 709 name, 710 max(pevr.evr) evr 711 from 712 rhnActionPackage ap, 713 rhnServerChannel sc, 714 rhnChannelPackage cp, 715 rhnPackage p, 716 rhnPackageEVR pevr, 717 rhnPackageName pn 718 where 719 ap.action_id = :action_id 720 and ap.evr_id is null 721 and ap.name_id = 722 and ap.name_id = p.name_id 723 and p.evr_id = 724 and sc.server_id = :server_id 725 and sc.channel_id = cp.channel_id 726 and cp.package_id = 727 group by 728 ) pl 729 group by 730 ) pkglist 731 """ 732 h = rhnSQL.prepare(statement) 733 h.execute(action_id=actionId, server_id=self.server_id) 734 ret = h.fetchall_dict() or [] 735 packages = [] 736 for p in ret: 737 # old clients have issues dealing with real epochs, so we 738 # kind of fake it for now in here 739 entry = [p['name'], p['version'], p['release'], ''] 740 packages.append(entry) 741 xml = xmlrpclib.dumps((packages,), methodname='client.update_packages') 742 return xml
743 744 745 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 746 if __name__ == "__main__": 747 print("You can not run this module by itself") 748 q = Queue() 749 sys.exit(-1) 750 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 751