Package backend :: Package server :: Package action :: Module activation
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Source Code for Module backend.server.action.activation

 1  # 
 2  # Copyright (c) 2008--2015 Red Hat, Inc. 
 3  # 
 4  # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, 
 5  # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or 
 6  # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
 7  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 
 8  # along with this software; if not, see 
 9  # 
10  # 
11  # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is 
12  # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated 
13  # in this software or its documentation. 
14  # 
15  # Activation key related queuing functions 
16  # 
18  from spacewalk.common.rhnLog import log_debug 
19  from spacewalk.server import rhnSQL, rhnAction, rhnServer 
20  from spacewalk.server.rhnLib import ShadowAction 
21  from spacewalk.server.rhnServer import server_kickstart 
23  # the "exposed" functions 
24  __rhnexport__ = ['schedule_deploy', 'schedule_pkg_install', ] 
27  # queries 
28  _query_copy_pkgs_from_shadow_action = rhnSQL.Statement(""" 
29      insert into rhnActionPackage (id, action_id, name_id, parameter) 
30      select sequence_nextval('rhn_act_p_id_seq'), :new_action_id, name_id, parameter 
31        from rhnActionPackage 
32       where action_id = :action_id 
33  """) 
35  _query_copy_revs_from_shadow_action = rhnSQL.Statement(""" 
36      insert into rhnActionConfigRevision (id, action_id, server_id, config_revision_id) 
37      select sequence_nextval('rhn_actioncr_id_seq'), :new_action_id, server_id, config_revision_id 
38        from rhnActionConfigRevision 
39       where action_id = :action_id 
40         and server_id = :server_id 
41  """) 
44 -def schedule_deploy(server_id, action_id, dry_run=0):
45 log_debug(2, server_id, action_id) 46 s = 47 48 # Schedule an rhncfg install 49 new_action_id = server_kickstart.schedule_rhncfg_install(server_id, 50 action_id, scheduler=None) 51 52 new_action_id_2 = rhnAction.schedule_server_action( 53 server_id, 54 action_type='configfiles.deploy', 55 action_name="Activation Key Config Auto-Deploy", 56 delta_time=0, scheduler=None, 57 org_id=s.server['org_id'], 58 prerequisite=new_action_id, 59 ) 60 61 if (not dry_run): 62 h = rhnSQL.prepare(_query_copy_revs_from_shadow_action) 63 h.execute(action_id=action_id, new_action_id=new_action_id_2, 64 server_id=server_id) 65 else: 66 log_debug(4, "dry run requested") 67 68 log_debug(4, "scheduled config deploy for activation key") 69 70 raise ShadowAction("Config deploy scheduled")
71 72 73 # XXX this duplicates rhnAction.schedule_server_packages_update. fix that.
74 -def schedule_pkg_install(server_id, action_id, dry_run=0):
75 s = 76 77 new_action_id = rhnAction.schedule_server_action( 78 server_id, 79 action_type='packages.update', 80 action_name="Activation Key Package Auto-Install", 81 delta_time=0, scheduler=None, 82 org_id=s.server['org_id'], 83 ) 84 85 if (not dry_run): 86 h = rhnSQL.prepare(_query_copy_pkgs_from_shadow_action) 87 h.execute(action_id=action_id, new_action_id=new_action_id) 88 else: 89 log_debug(4, "dry run requested") 90 91 log_debug(4, "scheduled pkg install for activation key") 92 93 raise ShadowAction("Package install scheduled")