Package backend :: Package satellite_tools :: Module updatePackages
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Source Code for Module backend.satellite_tools.updatePackages

  1  # 
  2  # Copyright (c) 2008--2016 Red Hat, Inc. 
  3  # 
  4  # Authors: Pradeep Kilambi 
  5  # 
  6  # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, 
  7  # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or 
  8  # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  9  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 
 10  # along with this software; if not, see 
 11  # 
 12  # 
 13  # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is 
 14  # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated 
 15  # in this software or its documentation. 
 16  # 
 17  # 
 19  import sys 
 20  import os 
 21  import shutil 
 23  from optparse import Option, OptionParser 
 24  from spacewalk.common.rhnLog import initLOG, rhnLog 
 25  from spacewalk.common.rhnConfig import CFG, initCFG 
 26  from spacewalk.common import rhn_rpm 
 27  from spacewalk.server.rhnLib import parseRPMFilename, get_package_path 
 28  from spacewalk.server import rhnSQL, rhnPackageUpload 
 29  from spacewalk.server.rhnServer import server_packages 
 30  from spacewalk.satellite_tools.progress_bar import ProgressBar 
 31  from spacewalk.common.checksum import getFileChecksum 
 32  from spacewalk.server.importlib import mpmSource 
 34  initCFG('server.satellite') 
 37  OPTIONS = None 
 38  debug = 0 
 39  verbose = 0 
 41  options_table = [ 
 42      Option("--update-package-files", action="store_true", 
 43             help="Update package files (bugs #659348, #652852)"), 
 44      Option("--update-sha256", action="store_true", 
 45             help="Update SHA-256 capable packages"), 
 46      Option("--update-filer", action="store_true", 
 47             help="Convert filer structure"), 
 48      Option("--update-kstrees", action="store_true", 
 49             help="Fix kickstart trees permissions"), 
 50      Option("--update-changelog", action="store_true", 
 51             help="Fix incorrectly encoded package changelog data"), 
 52      Option("-v", "--verbose", action="count", 
 53             help="Increase verbosity"), 
 54      Option("--debug", action="store_true", 
 55             help="Log the debug information to a log file"), 
 56  ] 
59 -def main():
60 global debug, verbose 61 parser = OptionParser(option_list=options_table) 62 63 (options, args) = parser.parse_args() 64 65 if args: 66 for arg in args: 67 sys.stderr.write("Not a valid option ('%s'), try --help\n" % arg) 68 sys.exit(-1) 69 70 if options.verbose: 71 initLOG("stdout", options.verbose or 0) 72 verbose = 1 73 74 if options.debug: 75 initLOG(CFG.LOG_FILE, options.debug or 0) 76 debug = 1 77 78 rhnSQL.initDB() 79 80 if options.update_filer: 81 process_package_data() 82 83 if options.update_sha256: 84 process_sha256_packages() 85 86 if options.update_kstrees: 87 process_kickstart_trees() 88 89 if options.update_package_files: 90 process_package_files() 91 92 if options.update_changelog: 93 process_changelog()
94 95 _get_path_query = """ 96 select id, checksum_type, checksum, path, epoch, new_path 97 from ( 98 select, 99 rhnChecksumView.checksum_type, 100 rhnChecksumView.checksum, 101 rhnPackage.path, 102 rhnPackageEvr.epoch, 103 case when rhnPackage.org_id is null then 'NULL' 104 else rhnPackage.org_id || '' end 105 || '/' || substr(rhnChecksumView.checksum, 1, 3) 106 || '/' || 107 || '/' || case when rhnPackageEvr.epoch is null then '' 108 else rhnPackageEvr.epoch || ':' end 109 || rhnPackageEvr.version || '-' || rhnPackageEvr.release 110 || '/' || rhnPackageArch.label 111 || '/' || rhnChecksumView.checksum 112 || substr(rhnPackage.path, instr(rhnPackage.path, '/', -1)) 113 as new_path 114 from rhnPackage, rhnPackagename, rhnPackageEvr, rhnPackageArch, rhnChecksumView 115 where rhnPackage.name_id = 116 and rhnPackage.evr_id = 117 and rhnPackage.package_arch_id = 118 and rhnPackage.checksum_id = 119 ) X 120 where '/' || new_path <> nvl(substr(path, -length(new_path) - 1), 'x') 121 """ 122 123 _update_pkg_path_query = """ 124 update rhnPackage 125 set path = :new_path 126 where id = :the_id 127 """ 128 129
130 -def process_package_data():
131 if debug: 132 log = rhnLog('/var/log/rhn/update-packages.log', 5) 133 134 _get_path_sql = rhnSQL.prepare(_get_path_query) 135 _update_package_path = rhnSQL.prepare(_update_pkg_path_query) 136 137 _get_path_sql.execute() 138 paths = _get_path_sql.fetchall_dict() 139 140 if not paths: 141 # Nothing to change 142 return 143 if verbose: 144 print("Processing %s packages" % len(paths)) 145 pb = ProgressBar(prompt='standby: ', endTag=' - Complete!', 146 finalSize=len(paths), finalBarLength=40, stream=sys.stdout) 147 pb.printAll(1) 148 skip_list = [] 149 new_ok_list = [] 150 i = 0 151 for path in paths: 152 pb.addTo(1) 153 pb.printIncrement() 154 old_path_nvrea = path['path'].split('/') 155 org_id = old_path_nvrea[1] 156 # pylint: disable=W0703 157 try: 158 nevra = parseRPMFilename(old_path_nvrea[-1]) 159 if nevra[1] in [None, '']: 160 nevra[1] = path['epoch'] 161 except Exception: 162 # probably not an rpm skip 163 if debug: 164 log.writeMessage("Skipping: %s Not a valid rpm" 165 % old_path_nvrea[-1]) 166 continue 167 old_abs_path = os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, path['path']) 168 169 checksum_type = path['checksum_type'] 170 checksum = path['checksum'] 171 new_path = get_package_path(nevra, org_id, prepend=old_path_nvrea[0], 172 checksum=checksum) 173 new_abs_path = os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, new_path) 174 175 bad_abs_path = os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, 176 get_package_path(nevra, org_id, prepend=old_path_nvrea[0], 177 omit_epoch=True, checksum=checksum)) 178 179 if not os.path.exists(old_abs_path): 180 if os.path.exists(new_abs_path): 181 new_ok_list.append(new_abs_path) 182 if debug: 183 log.writeMessage("File %s already on final path %s" % (path['path'], new_abs_path)) 184 old_abs_path = new_abs_path 185 elif os.path.exists(bad_abs_path): 186 log.writeMessage("File %s found on %s" % (path['path'], bad_abs_path)) 187 old_abs_path = bad_abs_path 188 else: 189 skip_list.append(old_abs_path) 190 if debug: 191 log.writeMessage("Missing path %s for package %d" % (old_abs_path, path['id'])) 192 continue 193 194 # pylint: disable=W0703 195 try: 196 hdr = rhn_rpm.get_package_header(filename=old_abs_path) 197 except Exception: 198 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 199 msg = "Exception occurred when reading package header %s: %s" % \ 200 (old_abs_path, str(e)) 201 print(msg) 202 if debug: 203 log.writeMessage(msg) 204 rhnSQL.commit() 205 sys.exit(1) 206 207 if old_abs_path != new_abs_path: 208 new_abs_dir = os.path.dirname(new_abs_path) 209 # relocate the package on the filer 210 if debug: 211 log.writeMessage("Relocating %s to %s on filer" 212 % (old_abs_path, new_abs_path)) 213 if not os.path.isdir(new_abs_dir): 214 os.makedirs(new_abs_dir) 215 shutil.move(old_abs_path, new_abs_path) 216 # Clean up left overs 217 os.removedirs(os.path.dirname(old_abs_path)) 218 # make the path readable 219 os.chmod(new_abs_path, int('0644', 8)) 220 221 # Update the db paths 222 _update_package_path.execute(the_id=path['id'], 223 new_path=new_path) 224 if debug: 225 log.writeMessage("query Executed: update rhnPackage %d to %s" 226 % (path['id'], new_path)) 227 # Process gpg key ids 228 server_packages.processPackageKeyAssociations(hdr, checksum_type, checksum) 229 if debug: 230 log.writeMessage("gpg key info updated from %s" % new_abs_path) 231 i = i + 1 232 # we need to break the transaction to smaller pieces 233 if i % 1000 == 0: 234 rhnSQL.commit() 235 pb.printComplete() 236 # All done, final commit 237 rhnSQL.commit() 238 sys.stderr.write("Transaction Committed! \n") 239 if verbose: 240 print(" Skipping %s packages, paths not found" % len(skip_list)) 241 if new_ok_list and verbose: 242 print(" There were %s packages found in the correct location" % len(new_ok_list)) 243 return
244 245
246 -def process_kickstart_trees():
247 for root, _dirs, files in os.walk(CFG.MOUNT_POINT + "/rhn/"): 248 for name in files: 249 os.chmod(root + '/' + name, int('0644', 8))
250 251 _get_sha256_packages_query = """ 252 select, p.path 253 from rhnPackage p, 254 rhnPackageRequires pr, 255 rhnPackageCapability pc, 256 rhnChecksumView cv 257 where pr.package_id = and 258 pr.capability_id = and 259 = 'rpmlib(FileDigests)' and 260 pc.version = '4.6.0-1' and 261 = p.checksum_id and 262 cv.checksum_type = 'md5' 263 """ 264 265 _update_sha256_package = """ 266 update rhnPackage 267 set checksum_id = lookup_checksum(:ctype, :csum), 268 path = :path 269 where id = :id 270 """ 271 272 _select_checksum_type_id = """ 273 select id from rhnChecksumType where label = :ctype 274 """ 275 276 _update_package_files = """ 277 declare 278 checksum_id number; 279 begin 280 begin 281 insert into rhnChecksum values ( 282 sequence_nextval('rhnChecksum_seq'), 283 :ctype_id, 284 :csum ) returning id into checksum_id; 285 exception when dup_val_on_index then 286 select 287 into checksum_id 288 from rhnChecksum c 289 where c.checksum = :csum and 290 c.checksum_type_id = :ctype_id; 291 end; 292 293 update rhnPackageFile p 294 set p.checksum_id = checksum_id 295 where p.capability_id = ( 296 select 297 from rhnPackageCapability c 298 where p.package_id = :pid and 299 = :filename 300 ) and p.package_id = :pid; 301 end; 302 """ 303 304
305 -def process_sha256_packages():
306 if debug: 307 log = rhnLog('/var/log/rhn/update-packages.log', 5) 308 309 _get_sha256_packages_sql = rhnSQL.prepare(_get_sha256_packages_query) 310 _get_sha256_packages_sql.execute() 311 packages = _get_sha256_packages_sql.fetchall_dict() 312 313 if not packages: 314 print("No SHA256 capable packages to process.") 315 if debug: 316 log.writeMessage("No SHA256 capable packages to process.") 317 318 return 319 320 if verbose: 321 print("Processing %s SHA256 capable packages" % len(packages)) 322 323 pb = ProgressBar(prompt='standby: ', endTag=' - Complete!', 324 finalSize=len(packages), finalBarLength=40, stream=sys.stdout) 325 pb.printAll(1) 326 327 _update_sha256_package_sql = rhnSQL.prepare(_update_sha256_package) 328 _update_package_files_sql = rhnSQL.prepare(_update_package_files) 329 330 for package in packages: 331 pb.addTo(1) 332 pb.printIncrement() 333 334 old_abs_path = os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, package['path']) 335 if debug and verbose: 336 log.writeMessage("Processing package: %s" % old_abs_path) 337 temp_file = open(old_abs_path, 'rb') 338 header, _payload_stream, _header_start, _header_end = \ 339 rhnPackageUpload.load_package(temp_file) 340 checksum_type = header.checksum_type() 341 checksum = getFileChecksum(checksum_type, file_obj=temp_file) 342 343 old_path = package['path'].split('/') 344 nevra = parseRPMFilename(old_path[-1]) 345 org_id = old_path[1] 346 new_path = get_package_path(nevra, org_id, prepend=old_path[0], checksum=checksum) 347 new_abs_path = os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, new_path) 348 349 # Filer content relocation 350 try: 351 if old_abs_path != new_abs_path: 352 if debug: 353 log.writeMessage("Relocating %s to %s on filer" % (old_abs_path, new_abs_path)) 354 355 new_abs_dir = os.path.dirname(new_abs_path) 356 if not os.path.isdir(new_abs_dir): 357 os.makedirs(new_abs_dir) 358 359 # link() the old path to the new path 360 if not os.path.exists(new_abs_path): 361, new_abs_path) 362 elif debug: 363 log.writeMessage("File %s already exists" % new_abs_path) 364 365 # Make the new path readable 366 os.chmod(new_abs_path, int('0644', 8)) 367 except OSError: 368 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 369 message = "Error when relocating %s to %s on filer: %s" % \ 370 (old_abs_path, new_abs_path, str(e)) 371 print(message) 372 if debug: 373 log.writeMessage(message) 374 sys.exit(1) 375 376 # Update package checksum in the database 377 _update_sha256_package_sql.execute(ctype=checksum_type, csum=checksum, 378 path=new_path, id=package['id']) 379 380 _select_checksum_type_id_sql = rhnSQL.prepare(_select_checksum_type_id) 381 _select_checksum_type_id_sql.execute(ctype=checksum_type) 382 checksum_type_id = _select_checksum_type_id_sql.fetchone()[0] 383 384 # Update checksum of every single file in a package 385 for i, f in enumerate(header['filenames']): 386 csum = header['filemd5s'][i] 387 388 # Do not update checksums for directories & links 389 if not csum: 390 continue 391 392 _update_package_files_sql.execute(ctype_id=checksum_type_id, csum=csum, 393 pid=package['id'], filename=f) 394 395 rhnSQL.commit() 396 397 try: 398 if os.path.exists(old_abs_path): 399 os.unlink(old_abs_path) 400 if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(old_abs_path)): 401 os.removedirs(os.path.dirname(old_abs_path)) 402 except OSError: 403 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 404 message = "Error when removing %s: %s" % (old_abs_path, str(e)) 405 print(message) 406 if debug: 407 log.writeMessage(message) 408 409 sys.exit(1) 410 411 pb.printComplete()
412 413 package_query = """ 414 select as id, 415 p.path as path, 416 count(pf.capability_id) as filecount, 417 count(pf.checksum_id) as nonnullcsums 418 from rhnPackage p left outer join rhnPackageFile pf 419 on = pf.package_id 420 where path is not null 421 group by id, path 422 """ 423 424 package_capabilities = """ 425 select, 426 PF.package_id, 427 PF.capability_id, 428 C.checksum, 429 C.checksum_type 430 from rhnPackageFile PF left outer join rhnChecksumView C 431 on PF.checksum_id =, 432 rhnPackageCapability PC 433 where = PF.capability_id and 434 PF.package_id = :pid 435 """ 436 437 update_packagefile_checksum = """ 438 update rhnPackageFile 439 set checksum_id = lookup_checksum(:ctype, :csum) 440 where package_id = :pid and 441 capability_id = :cid 442 """ 443 444 insert_packagefile = """ 445 insert into rhnPackageFile ( 446 package_id, capability_id, device, inode, file_mode, username, 447 groupname, rdev, file_size, mtime, linkto, flags, verifyflags, 448 lang, checksum_id 449 ) 450 values ( 451 :pid, lookup_package_capability(:name, null), 452 :device, :inode, :file_mode, :username, :groupname, 453 :rdev, :file_size, to_timestamp(:mtime, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS'), :linkto, 454 :flags, :verifyflags, :lang, lookup_checksum(:ctype, :csum) 455 ) 456 """ 457 458 package_name_query = """ 459 select as name, 460 evr_t_as_vre_simple(pevr.evr) as vre, 461 pa.label as arch 462 from rhnPackage p, 463 rhnPackageName pn, 464 rhnPackageEVR pevr, 465 rhnPackageArch pa 466 where = :pid and 467 p.name_id = and 468 p.evr_id = and 469 p.package_arch_id = 470 """ 471 472 package_repodata_delete = """ 473 delete 474 from rhnPackageRepoData 475 where package_id = :pid 476 """ 477 478
479 -def process_package_files():
480 def parse_header(header): 481 checksum_type = rhn_rpm.RPM_Header(header).checksum_type() 482 return mpmSource.create_package(header, size=0, 483 checksum_type=checksum_type, checksum=None, relpath=None, 484 org_id=None, header_start=None, header_end=None, channels=[])
485 486 package_name_h = rhnSQL.prepare(package_name_query) 487 488 def package_name(pid): 489 package_name_h.execute(pid=pid) 490 r = package_name_h.fetchall_dict()[0] 491 return "%s-%s.%s" % (r['name'], r['vre'], r['arch']) 492 493 package_repodata_h = rhnSQL.prepare(package_repodata_delete) 494 495 def delete_package_repodata(pid): 496 package_repodata_h.execute(pid=pid) 497 498 log = rhnLog('/var/log/rhn/update-packages.log', 5) 499 500 package_query_h = rhnSQL.prepare(package_query) 501 package_query_h.execute() 502 503 package_capabilities_h = rhnSQL.prepare(package_capabilities) 504 update_packagefile_checksum_h = rhnSQL.prepare(update_packagefile_checksum) 505 insert_packagefile_h = rhnSQL.prepare(insert_packagefile) 506 507 while (True): 508 row = package_query_h.fetchone_dict() 509 if not row: # No more packages in DB to process 510 break 511 512 package_path = os.path.join(CFG.MOUNT_POINT, row['path']) 513 514 if not os.path.exists(package_path): 515 if debug: 516 log.writeMessage("Package path '%s' does not exist." % package_path) 517 continue 518 519 # pylint: disable=W0703 520 try: 521 hdr = rhn_rpm.get_package_header(filename=package_path) 522 except Exception: 523 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 524 message = "Error when reading package %s header: %s" % (package_path, e) 525 if debug: 526 log.writeMessage(message) 527 continue 528 529 pkg_updates = 0 530 if row['filecount'] != len(hdr['filenames']): 531 # Number of package files on disk and in the DB do not match 532 # (possibly a bug #652852). We have to correct them one by one. 533 package_capabilities_h.execute(pid=row['id']) 534 pkg_caps = {} # file-name : capabilities dictionary 535 for cap in package_capabilities_h.fetchall_dict() or []: 536 pkg_caps[cap['name']] = cap 537 538 for f in parse_header(hdr)['files']: 539 if f['name'] in pkg_caps: 540 continue # The package files exists in the DB 541 542 # Insert the missing package file into DB 543 insert_packagefile_h.execute(pid=row['id'], name=f['name'], 544 ctype=f['checksum_type'], csum=f['checksum'], device=f['device'], 545 inode=f['inode'], file_mode=f['file_mode'], username=f['username'], 546 groupname=f['groupname'], rdev=f['rdev'], file_size=f['file_size'], 547 mtime=f['mtime'], linkto=f['linkto'], flags=f['flags'], 548 verifyflags=f['verifyflags'], lang=f['lang']) 549 pkg_updates += 1 550 551 if debug and pkg_updates: 552 log.writeMessage("Package id: %s, name: %s, %s files inserted" % 553 (row['id'], package_name(row['id']), pkg_updates)) 554 elif row['nonnullcsums'] == 0: 555 # All package files in the DB have null checksum (possibly a bug #659348) 556 package_capabilities_h.execute(pid=row['id']) 557 pkg_caps = {} # file-name : capabilities dictionary 558 for cap in package_capabilities_h.fetchall_dict() or []: 559 pkg_caps[cap['name']] = cap 560 561 for f in parse_header(hdr)['files']: 562 if f['checksum'] == '': # Convert empty string (symlinks) to None to match w/ Oracle returns 563 f['checksum'] = None 564 565 caps = pkg_caps[f['name']] 566 567 if not caps['checksum'] == f['checksum']: 568 # Package file exists, but its checksum in the DB is incorrect 569 update_packagefile_checksum_h.execute(ctype=f['checksum_type'], csum=f['checksum'], 570 pid=caps['package_id'], cid=caps['capability_id']) 571 pkg_updates += 1 572 573 if debug and pkg_updates: 574 log.writeMessage("Package id: %s, name: %s, %s checksums updated" % 575 (row['id'], package_name(row['id']), pkg_updates)) 576 577 if pkg_updates: 578 log.writeMessage("Package id: %s, purging rhnPackageRepoData" % row['id']) 579 delete_package_repodata(row['id']) 580 581 rhnSQL.commit() # End of a package 582 583
584 -def process_changelog():
585 def convert(u): 586 last = '' 587 while u != last: 588 last = u 589 try: 590 u = last.encode('iso8859-1').decode('utf8') 591 except (UnicodeDecodeError, UnicodeEncodeError): 592 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 593 if e.reason == 'unexpected end of data': 594 u = u[:-1] 595 continue 596 else: 597 break 598 return u
599 600 if CFG.db_backend == 'postgresql': 601 lengthb = "octet_length(%s)" 602 else: 603 lengthb = "lengthb(%s)" 604 _non_ascii_changelog_data_count = """select count(*) as cnt from rhnpackagechangelogdata 605 where length(name) <> %s 606 or length(text) <> %s 607 """ % (lengthb % 'name', lengthb % 'text') 608 _non_ascii_changelog_data = """select * from rhnpackagechangelogdata 609 where length(name) <> %s 610 or length(text) <> %s 611 """ % (lengthb % 'name', lengthb % 'text') 612 _update_changelog_data_name = """update rhnpackagechangelogdata set name = :name 613 where id = :id""" 614 _update_changelog_data_text = """update rhnpackagechangelogdata set text = :text 615 where id = :id""" 616 if debug: 617 log = rhnLog('/var/log/rhn/update-packages.log', 5) 618 619 query_count = rhnSQL.prepare(_non_ascii_changelog_data_count) 620 query_count.execute() 621 nrows = query_count.fetchall_dict()[0]['cnt'] 622 623 query = rhnSQL.prepare(_non_ascii_changelog_data) 624 query.execute() 625 626 if nrows == 0: 627 msg = "No non-ASCII changelog entries to process." 628 print(msg) 629 if debug: 630 log.writeMessage(msg) 631 return 632 633 if verbose: 634 print("Processing %s non-ASCII changelog entries" % nrows) 635 636 pb = ProgressBar(prompt='standby: ', endTag=' - Complete!', 637 finalSize=nrows, finalBarLength=40, stream=sys.stdout) 638 pb.printAll(1) 639 640 update_name = rhnSQL.prepare(_update_changelog_data_name) 641 update_text = rhnSQL.prepare(_update_changelog_data_text) 642 643 while (True): 644 row = query.fetchone_dict() 645 if not row: # No more packages in DB to process 646 break 647 648 pb.addTo(1) 649 pb.printIncrement() 650 651 name_u = row['name'].decode('utf8', 'ignore') 652 name_fixed = name_u 653 if len(row['name']) != len(name_u): 654 name_fixed = convert(name_u) 655 if name_fixed != name_u: 656 if debug and verbose: 657 log.writeMessage("Fixing record %s: name: '%s'" % (row['id'], row['name'])) 658 update_name.execute(id=row['id'], name=name_fixed) 659 660 text_u = row['text'].decode('utf8', 'ignore') 661 text_fixed = text_u 662 if len(row['text']) != len(text_u): 663 text_fixed = convert(text_u) 664 if text_fixed != text_u: 665 if debug and verbose: 666 log.writeMessage("Fixing record %s: text: '%s'" % (row['id'], row['text'])) 667 update_text.execute(id=row['id'], text=text_fixed) 668 669 rhnSQL.commit() 670 671 pb.printComplete() 672 673 674 if __name__ == '__main__': 675 main() 676