Package backend :: Package common :: Module rhnTB
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Module rhnTB

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Classes [hide private]
The SecurityList is a list of strings that are censored out of a debug email.
Functions [hide private]
Dump the environment.
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print_locals(fd=sys.stdin, tb=None)
Dump a listing of all local variables and their value for better debugging chance.
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print_req(req, fd=sys.stdin)
get some debugging information about the current exception for sending out when we raise an exception
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Traceback(method=None, req=None, mail=1, ostream=sys.stdin, extra=None, severity='notification', with_locals=0)
Reports an traceback error and optionally sends mail about it.
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fetchTraceback(method=None, req=None, extra=None, with_locals=0)
a cheat for snagging just the string value of a Traceback
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exitWithTraceback(e, msg, exitnum, mail=0) source code
Returns the list of strings to be censored.
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Remove all instances of the strings in seclist.sec from strval
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Adds a string to seclist.sec, but only if it's not already there.
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Variables [hide private]
  hostname = ''
  __package__ = 'backend.common'
Function Details [hide private]

Traceback(method=None, req=None, mail=1, ostream=sys.stdin, extra=None, severity='notification', with_locals=0)

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Reports an traceback error and optionally sends mail about it. NOTE: extra = extra text information.