Package backend :: Package common :: Module rhnLib
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Module rhnLib

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Classes [hide private]
Used for creating offset-aware datetime objects in Python 2.
Functions [hide private]
setHeaderValue(mp_table, name, values)
Function that correctly sets headers in an Apache-like table The values may be a string (which are set as for a dictionary), or an array.
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Return time as a string formatted such as: 'Wed, 23 Jun 2001 23:08:35 GMT'.
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Converts the string in format YYYYMMDDHHMISS to seconds from the epoch
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checkValue(val, *args)
A type/value checker Check value against the list of acceptable values / types
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urlparse is more complicated than what we need.
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hash_object_id(object_id, factor)
Given an object id (assumed to be <label>-<number>), returns the last few digits for the number.
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IN: Package string in, n-n-n-v.v.v-r.r_r, format.
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IN: Package string in, n-n_v.v-v.v-r.r, format.
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Return true if this is a SUSE system, otherwise false
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Variables [hide private]
  rfc822_days = ('Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun')
  rfc822_mons = ('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul'...
  re_rpmName = re.compile(r'^(.*)-([^-]*)-([^-]*)$')
  utc = UTC()
  __package__ = 'backend.common'
Function Details [hide private]


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Return time as a string formatted such as: 'Wed, 23 Jun 2001 23:08:35 GMT'.
We must not use locale-specific functions such as strftime here because
the RFC explicitly requires C-locale only formatting.  To satisfy this
requirement, we declare our own days and months here and do the formatting

This function accepts a single argument.  If it is a List or Tuple type,
it is assumed to be of the form struct_time, as specified in the Python
time module reference.  If the argument is a float, it is expected to be
the number of seconds from the epoch.

NOTE:  In all cases, the argument is assumed to be in local time.  It will
       be translated to GMT in the return value.


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urlparse is more complicated than what we need.

We make the assumption that the URL has real URL information.
NOTE: http/https ONLY for right now.

The normal behavior of urlparse:
    - if no {http[s],file}:// then the string is considered everything
      that normally follows the URL, e.g. /XMLRPC
    - if {http[s],file}:// exists, anything between that and the next /
      is the URL.

The behavior of *this* function:
    - if no {http[s],file}:// then the string is simply assumed to be a
      URL without the {http[s],file}:// attached. The parsed info is
      reparsed as one would think it would be:

    - returns: (addressing scheme, network location, path,
                parameters, query, fragment identifier).

      NOTE: netloc (or network location) can be HOSTNAME:PORT

hash_object_id(object_id, factor)

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Given an object id (assumed to be <label>-<number>), returns the last few digits for the number. For instance, (812345, 3) should return 345


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IN: Package string in, n-n-n-v.v.v-r.r_r, format. OUT: Four strings (in a tuple): name, epoch, version, release.


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IN: Package string in, n-n_v.v-v.v-r.r, format. OUT: Four strings (in a tuple): name, epoch, version, release.

Variables Details [hide private]

