Package backend :: Package common :: Module rhnConfig
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Module rhnConfig

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Classes [hide private]
Exception class we're using to expose fatal errors
Main options class The basic idea is to share the important pieces of information - the component and the configuration tree - across all instances of this class.
Functions [hide private]
Function used for debugging purposes
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Splits a component name (a.b.c) into a list of tuples that can be joined together to determine a config file name Eg.
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Parse a config line...
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parse_file(filename, single_key=0)
parse a config file (read it in, parse its lines)
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reads a text config file and returns its lines in a list
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Figure out all components and return them in a tree-like structure
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getAllComponents(defaultDir=None, compsTree=None)
recursively flattens the results of getAllComponents_tree returning a list of all components
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returns a list of ALL components in the tuple-ified format: E.g., [(), ('a',), ('a','b'), ('a','b','c'), ...]
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initCFG(component=None, root=None, filename=None)
Main entry point here
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runTest() source code
Variables [hide private]
  _CONFIG_ROOT = '/etc/rhn'
  _CONFIG_FILE = '/etc/rhn/rhn.conf'
  _CONFIG_DEFAULTS_ROOT = '/usr/share/rhn/config-defaults'
  CFG = <RHNOptions instance at 139980826311928: Uninitialized>
  ALL_CFG = <RHNOptions instance at 139980826312000: Uninitialized>
  PRODUCT_NAME = 'Spacewalk'
  __package__ = 'backend.common'
Function Details [hide private]


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Splits a component name (a.b.c) into a list of tuples that can be joined together to determine a config file name Eg. a.b.c --> [(), ('a',), ('a','b'), ('a','b','c')]


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Parse a config line... Returns a tuple (keys, values), or (None, None) if we don't care about this line


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Figure out all components and return them in a tree-like structure

{'server', {'':{},
            'server.applet':{}, 'server.bugzilla':{},
            'server.iss':{}, 'server.xmlrpc':{}, 'server.xp':{}},
 'web': {},
 'tools': {}}

NOTE: this was begging for recursion... I avoided that like the plague