Package backend :: Package common :: Module fileutils
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Module fileutils

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Classes [hide private]
Cache getpwnam() and getgrnam() calls
this class implements simple file like object usable for reading payload from rpm, mpm, etc.
Functions [hide private]
take ~taw/../some/path/$MOUNT_POINT/blah and make it sensible.
source code
cleanupNormPath(path, dotYN=0)
take ~taw/../some/path/$MOUNT_POINT/blah and make it sensible.
source code
rotateFile(filepath, depth=5, suffix='.', verbosity=0)
backup/rotate a file depth (-1==no limit) refers to num.
source code
rhn_popen(cmd, progressCallback=None, bufferSize=16384, outputLog=None)
popen-like function, that accepts execvp-style arguments too (i.e.
source code
makedirs(path, mode=493, user=None, group=None)
makedirs function that also changes the owners
source code
createPath(path, user=None, group=None, chmod=493)
advanced makedirs
source code
setPermsPath(path, user=None, group='root', chmod=488)
chown and set permissions to chmod
source code
getUidGid(user=None, group=None)
return uid, gid given user and group
source code
_ifelse(cond, thenval, elseval) source code
ostr_to_sym(octstr, ftype)
Convert filemode in octets (like '644') to string like "ls -l" ("-rwxrw-rw-") ftype is one of: file, directory, symlink, chardev, blockdev.
source code
f_date(dbiDate) source code
decompress_open(filename, mode='r') source code
Variables [hide private]
  FILETYPE2CHAR = {'blockdev': 'b', 'chardev': 'c', 'directory':...
  __package__ = 'backend.common'
Function Details [hide private]


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take ~taw/../some/path/$MOUNT_POINT/blah and make it sensible.

Path returned is absolute.
NOTE: python 2.2 fixes a number of bugs with this and eliminates
      the need for os.path.expanduser

cleanupNormPath(path, dotYN=0)

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take ~taw/../some/path/$MOUNT_POINT/blah and make it sensible.

Returned path may be relative.
NOTE: python 2.2 fixes a number of bugs with this and eliminates
      the need for os.path.expanduser

rotateFile(filepath, depth=5, suffix='.', verbosity=0)

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backup/rotate a file
depth (-1==no limit) refers to num. of backups (rotations) to keep.

    x.txt (current)
    x.txt.1 (old)
    x.txt.2 (older)
    x.txt.3 (oldest)
    all file stats preserved. Doesn't blow away original file.
    if x.txt and x.txt.1 are identical (size or checksum), None is

rhn_popen(cmd, progressCallback=None, bufferSize=16384, outputLog=None)

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popen-like function, that accepts execvp-style arguments too (i.e. an array of params, thus making shell escaping unnecessary)

cmd can be either a string (like "ls -l /dev"), or an array of arguments ["ls", "-l", "/dev"]

Returns the command's error code, a stream with stdout's contents and a stream with stderr's contents

progressCallback --> progress bar twiddler outputLog --> optional log file file object write method

createPath(path, user=None, group=None, chmod=493)

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advanced makedirs

Will create the path if necessary. Will chmod, and chown that path properly. Defaults for user/group to the apache user

Uses the above makedirs() function.

Variables Details [hide private]


{'blockdev': 'b',
 'chardev': 'c',
 'directory': 'd',
 'file': '-',
 'symlink': 'l'}