Package backend :: Package cdn_tools :: Module activation
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Source Code for Module backend.cdn_tools.activation

  1  # Copyright (c) 2016--2017 Red Hat, Inc. 
  2  # 
  3  # This software is licensed to you under the GNU General Public License, 
  4  # version 2 (GPLv2). There is NO WARRANTY for this software, express or 
  5  # implied, including the implied warranties of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS 
  6  # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You should have received a copy of GPLv2 
  7  # along with this software; if not, see 
  8  # 
  9  # 
 10  # Red Hat trademarks are not licensed under GPLv2. No permission is 
 11  # granted to use or replicate Red Hat trademarks that are incorporated 
 12  # in this software or its documentation. 
 13  # 
 15  import sys 
 16  import json 
 18  from spacewalk.cdn_tools import constants 
 19  from spacewalk.cdn_tools.candlepin_api import CandlepinApi 
 20  from spacewalk.cdn_tools.common import verify_mappings 
 21  from spacewalk.cdn_tools.manifest import Manifest, ManifestValidationError 
 22  from spacewalk.satellite_tools import satCerts 
 23  from spacewalk.satellite_tools.syncLib import log, log2 
 24  from spacewalk.server import rhnSQL 
 25  from spacewalk.server.importlib.backendOracle import SQLBackend 
 26  from spacewalk.server.importlib.channelImport import ChannelFamilyImport 
 27  from spacewalk.server.importlib.importLib import ChannelFamily, ContentSource, ContentSourceSsl 
 28  from spacewalk.server.importlib.contentSourcesImport import ContentSourcesImport 
 29  from spacewalk.server.rhnServer.satellite_cert import SatelliteCert 
30 31 32 -class Activation(object):
33 """Class inserting channel families and SSL metadata into DB.""" 34
35 - def __init__(self, manifest_path):
36 rhnSQL.initDB() 37 self.manifest = Manifest(manifest_path) 38 self.sat5_cert = SatelliteCert() 39 self.sat5_cert.load(self.manifest.get_satellite_certificate()) 40 41 verify_mappings() 42 43 f = None 44 # Channel families metadata 45 try: 46 try: 47 f = open(constants.CHANNEL_FAMILY_MAPPING_PATH, 'r') 48 self.families = json.load(f) 49 f.close() 50 except IOError: 51 e = sys.exc_info()[1] 52 log(1, "Ignoring channel mappings: %s" % e) 53 self.families = {} 54 finally: 55 if f is not None: 56 f.close() 57 58 self.families_to_import = []
59 60 @staticmethod
62 for description_prefix in (constants.CA_CERT_NAME, 63 constants.CLIENT_CERT_PREFIX, 64 constants.CLIENT_KEY_PREFIX): 65 66 satCerts.delete_rhnCryptoKey_null_org(description_prefix)
68 - def _update_certificates(self):
69 """Delete and insert certificates needed for syncing from CDN repositories.""" 70 71 # Remove all previously used certs/keys 72 self._remove_certificates() 73 74 # Read RHSM cert 75 f = open(constants.CA_CERT_PATH, 'r') 76 try: 77 ca_cert = 78 finally: 79 if f is not None: 80 f.close() 81 82 if not satCerts.verify_certificate_dates(str(ca_cert)): 83 log2(0, 0, "WARNING: '%s' certificate is not valid." % constants.CA_CERT_PATH, stream=sys.stderr) 84 # Insert RHSM cert and certs from manifest into DB 85 satCerts.store_rhnCryptoKey( 86 constants.CA_CERT_NAME, ca_cert, None) 87 88 for entitlement in self.manifest.get_all_entitlements(): 89 creds = entitlement.get_credentials() 90 cert_name = constants.CLIENT_CERT_PREFIX + creds.get_id() 91 key_name = constants.CLIENT_KEY_PREFIX + creds.get_id() 92 if not satCerts.verify_certificate_dates(str(creds.get_cert())): 93 log2(0, 0, "WARNING: '%s' certificate is not valid." % cert_name, stream=sys.stderr) 94 satCerts.store_rhnCryptoKey(cert_name, creds.get_cert(), None) 95 satCerts.store_rhnCryptoKey(key_name, creds.get_key(), None)
97 - def import_channel_families(self):
98 """Insert channel family data into DB.""" 99 100 log(1, "Channel families in manifest: %d" % len(self.sat5_cert.channel_families)) # pylint: disable=E1101 101 102 batch = [] 103 for cf in self.sat5_cert.channel_families: # pylint: disable=E1101 104 label = 105 try: 106 family = self.families[label] 107 family_object = ChannelFamily() 108 for k in family.keys(): 109 family_object[k] = family[k] 110 family_object['label'] = label 111 batch.append(family_object) 112 self.families_to_import.append(label) 113 except KeyError: 114 # While channel mappings are not consistent with certificate generated on RHN... 115 msg = ("WARNING: Channel family '%s' is provided by manifest but " 116 "was not found in cdn-sync mappings." % label) 117 log2(0, 1, msg, stream=sys.stderr) 118 119 log(1, "Channel families to import: %d" % len(batch)) 120 # Perform import 121 backend = SQLBackend() 122 importer = ChannelFamilyImport(batch, backend) 123
124 125 @staticmethod
127 """This method removes repositories obtained from manifest""" 128 hdel_repos = rhnSQL.prepare(""" 129 delete from rhnContentSource where 130 label like :prefix || '%%' 131 and org_id is null 132 """) 133 hdel_repos.execute(prefix=constants.MANIFEST_REPOSITORY_DB_PREFIX) 134 rhnSQL.commit()
136 - def _update_repositories(self):
137 """Setup SSL credential to access repositories 138 We do this in 2 steps: 139 1. Fetching provided repositories from manifest - URL contains variables to substitute 140 2. Assigning one certificate/key set to each repository""" 141 142 # First delete all repositories from previously used manifests 143 self._remove_repositories() 144 145 backend = SQLBackend() 146 type_id = backend.lookupContentSourceType('yum') 147 148 # Lookup CA cert 149 ca_cert = satCerts.lookup_cert(constants.CA_CERT_NAME, None) 150 ca_cert_id = int(ca_cert['id']) 151 152 content_sources_batch = {} 153 for entitlement in self.manifest.get_all_entitlements(): 154 # Lookup SSL certificates and keys 155 creds = entitlement.get_credentials() 156 client_cert = satCerts.lookup_cert(constants.CLIENT_CERT_PREFIX + 157 creds.get_id(), None) 158 client_key = satCerts.lookup_cert(constants.CLIENT_KEY_PREFIX + 159 creds.get_id(), None) 160 client_cert_id = int(client_cert['id']) 161 client_key_id = int(client_key['id']) 162 content_source_ssl = ContentSourceSsl() 163 content_source_ssl['ssl_ca_cert_id'] = ca_cert_id 164 content_source_ssl['ssl_client_cert_id'] = client_cert_id 165 content_source_ssl['ssl_client_key_id'] = client_key_id 166 # Loop provided products 167 for product in entitlement.get_products(): 168 repositories = product.get_repositories() 169 for repository in repositories: 170 if repository not in content_sources_batch: 171 content_source = ContentSource() 172 content_source['label'] = constants.MANIFEST_REPOSITORY_DB_PREFIX + repository 173 content_source['source_url'] = repositories[repository] 174 content_source['org_id'] = None 175 content_source['type_id'] = type_id 176 content_source['ssl-sets'] = [content_source_ssl] 177 content_sources_batch[repository] = content_source 178 # There may be more SSL certs to one repository, append it 179 elif content_source_ssl not in content_sources_batch[repository]['ssl-sets']: 180 content_sources_batch[repository]['ssl-sets'].append(content_source_ssl) 181 182 importer = ContentSourcesImport(content_sources_batch.values(), backend) 183
185 - def activate(self):
186 if self.manifest.check_signature(): 187 log(0, "Populating channel families...") 188 self.import_channel_families() 189 log(0, "Updating certificates...") 190 self._update_certificates() 191 log(0, "Updating manifest repositories...") 192 self._update_repositories() 193 else: 194 raise ManifestValidationError("Manifest validation failed! Make sure the specified manifest is correct.")
195 196 @staticmethod
197 - def deactivate():
198 """Function to remove certificates and manifest repositories from DB""" 199 rhnSQL.initDB() 200 log(0, "Removing certificates...") 201 Activation._remove_certificates() 202 log(0, "Removing manifest repositories...") 203 Activation._remove_repositories()
204 205 @staticmethod
206 - def manifest_info(manifest_path):
207 manifest = Manifest(manifest_path) 208 log(0, "Name: %s" % manifest.get_name(), cleanYN=1) 209 log(0, "UUID: %s" % manifest.get_uuid(), cleanYN=1) 210 log(0, "Owner ID: %s" % manifest.get_ownerid(), cleanYN=1) 211 log(0, "Satellite version: %s" % manifest.get_satellite_version(), cleanYN=1) 212 log(0, "Created: %s" % manifest.get_created(), cleanYN=1) 213 log(0, "API URL: %s" % manifest.get_api_url(), cleanYN=1)
214 215 @staticmethod
216 - def download_manifest(old_manifest_path, http_proxy=None, http_proxy_username=None, 217 http_proxy_password=None):
218 manifest = Manifest(old_manifest_path) 219 candlepin_api = CandlepinApi(current_manifest=manifest, http_proxy=http_proxy, 220 http_proxy_username=http_proxy_username, 221 http_proxy_password=http_proxy_password) 222 return candlepin_api.export_manifest()
223 224 @staticmethod
225 - def refresh_manifest(old_manifest_path, http_proxy=None, http_proxy_username=None, 226 http_proxy_password=None):
227 manifest = Manifest(old_manifest_path) 228 candlepin_api = CandlepinApi(current_manifest=manifest, http_proxy=http_proxy, 229 http_proxy_username=http_proxy_username, 230 http_proxy_password=http_proxy_password) 231 return candlepin_api.refresh_manifest()