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DDL script

Package source

Legend: comment string keyword reserved word operator
     1: PACKAGE rpm AS
     2:     FUNCTION vercmp(
     3:         e1 VARCHAR2, v1 VARCHAR2, r1 VARCHAR2,
     4:         e2 VARCHAR2, v2 VARCHAR2, r2 VARCHAR2)
     5:     RETURN NUMBER
     6:         DETERMINISTIC
     7:         PARALLEL_ENABLE;
    10: END rpm;

Package body source

Legend: comment string keyword reserved word operator
     1: PACKAGE BODY rpm AS
     3:     FUNCTION isdigit(ch CHAR)
     4:     RETURN BOOLEAN
     5:     deterministic
     6:     IS
     7:     BEGIN
     8:         if ascii(ch) between ascii('0') and ascii('9')
     9:         then
    10:             return TRUE;
    11:         end if;
    12:         return FALSE;
    13:     END isdigit;
    16:     FUNCTION isalpha(ch CHAR)
    17:     RETURN BOOLEAN
    18:     deterministic
    19:     IS
    20:     BEGIN
    21:         if ascii(ch) between ascii('a') and ascii('z') or
    22:             ascii(ch) between ascii('A') and ascii('Z')
    23:         then
    24:             return TRUE;
    25:         end if;
    26:         return FALSE;
    27:     END isalpha;
    30:     FUNCTION isalphanum(ch CHAR)
    31:     RETURN BOOLEAN
    32:     deterministic
    33:     IS
    34:     BEGIN
    35:         if ascii(ch) between ascii('a') and ascii('z') or
    36:             ascii(ch) between ascii('A') and ascii('Z') or
    37:             ascii(ch) between ascii('0') and ascii('9')
    38:         then
    39:             return TRUE;
    40:         end if;
    41:         return FALSE;
    42:     END isalphanum;
    45:     FUNCTION rpmstrcmp (string1 IN VARCHAR2, string2 IN VARCHAR2)
    46:     RETURN NUMBER
    47:     deterministic
    48:     IS
    49:         digits CHAR(10) := '0123456789';
    50:         lc_alpha CHAR(27) := 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz';
    51:         uc_alpha CHAR(27) := 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ';
    52:         alpha CHAR(54) := lc_alpha || uc_alpha;
    53:         str1 VARCHAR2(32767) := string1;
    54:         str2 VARCHAR2(32767) := string2;
    55:         one VARCHAR2(32767);
    56:         two VARCHAR2(32767);
    57:         isnum BOOLEAN;
    58:     BEGIN
    59:         if str1 is NULL or str2 is NULL
    60:         then
    61:             raise VALUE_ERROR;
    62:         end if;
    63:         -- easy comparison to see if versions are identical
    64:         if str1 = str2
    65:         then
    66:             return 0;
    67:         end if;
    68:         -- loop through each version segment of str1 and str2 and compare them
    69:         one := str1;
    70:         two := str2;
    72:         <<segment_loop>>
    73:         while one is not null or two is not null
    74:         loop
    75:             declare
    76:                 segm1 VARCHAR2(32767);
    77:                 segm2 VARCHAR2(32767);
    78:                 onechar CHAR(1);
    79:                 twochar CHAR(1);
    80:             begin
    81:                 --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Params: ' || one || ',' || two);
    82:                 -- Throw out all non-alphanum characters
    83:                 onechar := substr(one, 1, 1);
    84:                 twochar := substr(two, 1, 1);
    85:                 while one is not null and not isalphanum(one) and onechar != '~' and onechar != '^'
    86:                 loop
    87:                     one := substr(one, 2);
    88:                 end loop;
    89:                 while two is not null and not isalphanum(two) and twochar != '~' and twochar != '^'
    90:                 loop
    91:                     two := substr(two, 2);
    92:                 end loop;
    93:                 --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('new params: ' || one || ',' || two);
    95:                 onechar := substr(one, 1, 1);
    96:                 twochar := substr(two, 1, 1);
    97:                 --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('new chars: ' || onechar || ',' || twochar);
    98:                 /* handle the tilde separator, it sorts before everything else */
    99:                 if (onechar = '~' or twochar = '~')
   100:                 then
   101:                     if (onechar != '~' or onechar is null) then return 1; end if;
   102:                     if (twochar != '~' or twochar is null) then return -1; end if;
   103:                     --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('passed tilde chars: ' || onechar || ',' || twochar);
   104:                     one := substr(one, 2);
   105:                     two := substr(two, 2);
   106:                     continue;
   107:                 end if;
   109:                 /*
   110:                  * Handle caret separator. Concept is the same as tilde,
   111:                  * except that if one of the strings ends (base version),
   112:                  * the other is considered as higher version.
   113:                  */
   114:                 onechar := substr(one, 1, 1);
   115:                 twochar := substr(two, 1, 1);
   116:                 if (onechar = '^' or twochar = '^')
   117:                 then
   118:                     if (one is null) then return -1; end if;
   119:                     if (two is null) then return 1; end if;
   120:                     if (onechar != '^' or onechar is null) then return 1; end if;
   121:                     if (twochar != '^' or twochar is null) then return -1; end if;
   122:                     one := substr(one, 2);
   123:                     two := substr(two, 2);
   124:                     continue;
   125:                 end if;
   127:                 if (not (one is not null and two is not null)) then exit segment_loop; end if;
   129:                 str1 := one;
   130:                 str2 := two;
   132:                 /* grab first completely alpha or completely numeric segment */
   133:                 /* leave one and two pointing to the start of the alpha or numeric */
   134:                 /* segment and walk str1 and str2 to end of segment */
   136:                 if str1 is not null and isdigit(str1)
   137:                 then
   138:                     str1 := ltrim(str1, digits);
   139:                     str2 := ltrim(str2, digits);
   140:                     isnum := true;
   141:                 else
   142:                     str1 := ltrim(str1, alpha);
   143:                     str2 := ltrim(str2, alpha);
   144:                     isnum := false;
   145:                 end if;
   147:                 --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Len: ' || length(str1) || ',' || length(str2));
   148:                 -- Oracle trats the length of an empty string as null
   149:                 if str1 is not null
   150:                 then segm1 := substr(one, 1, length(one) - length(str1));
   151:                 else segm1 := one;
   152:                 end if;
   154:                 if str2 is not null
   155:                 then segm2 := substr(two, 1, length(two) - length(str2));
   156:                 else segm2 := two;
   157:                 end if;
   159:                 --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Segments: ' || segm1 || ',' || segm2);
   160:                 --DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Rest: ' || str1 || ',' || str2);
   161:                 /* take care of the case where the two version segments are */
   162:                 /* different types: one numeric and one alpha */
   163:                 if segm1 is null then return -1; end if; /* arbitrary */
   164:                 if segm2 is null then
   165: 					if isnum then
   166: 						return 1;
   167: 					else
   168: 						return -1;
   169: 					end if;
   170: 				end if;
   172:                 if isnum
   173:                 then
   174:                     /* this used to be done by converting the digit segments */
   175:                     /* to ints using atoi() - it's changed because long */
   176:                     /* digit segments can overflow an int - this should fix that. */
   178:                     /* throw away any leading zeros - it's a number, right? */
   179:                     segm1 := ltrim(segm1, '0');
   180:                     segm2 := ltrim(segm2, '0');
   182:                     /* whichever number has more digits wins */
   183:                     -- length of empty string is null
   184:                     if segm1 is null and segm2 is not null
   185:                     then
   186:                         return -1;
   187:                     end if;
   188:                     if segm1 is not null and segm2 is null
   189:                     then
   190:                         return 1;
   191:                     end if;
   192:                     if length(segm1) > length(segm2) then return 1; end if;
   193:                     if length(segm2) > length(segm1) then return -1; end if;
   194:                 end if;
   196:                 /* strcmp will return which one is greater - even if the two */
   197:                 /* segments are alpha or if they are numeric.  don't return  */
   198:                 /* if they are equal because there might be more segments to */
   199:                 /* compare */
   201:                 if segm1 < segm2 then return -1; end if;
   202:                 if segm1 > segm2 then return 1; end if;
   204:                 one := str1;
   205:                 two := str2;
   206:             end;
   207:         end loop segment_loop;
   208:         /* this catches the case where all numeric and alpha segments have */
   209:         /* compared identically but the segment sepparating characters were */
   210:         /* different */
   211:         if one is null and two is null then return 0; end if;
   213:         /* whichever version still has characters left over wins */
   214:         if one is null then return -1; end if;
   215:         return 1;
   216:     END rpmstrcmp;
   219:     FUNCTION vercmp(
   220:         e1 VARCHAR2, v1 VARCHAR2, r1 VARCHAR2,
   221:         e2 VARCHAR2, v2 VARCHAR2, r2 VARCHAR2)
   222:     RETURN NUMBER
   223:     IS
   224:         rc NUMBER;
   225:     BEGIN
   226:         DECLARE
   227:           ep1 NUMBER;
   228:           ep2 NUMBER;
   229:           BEGIN
   230:             if e1 is null then
   231:               ep1 := 0;
   232:             else
   233:               ep1 := TO_NUMBER(e1);
   234:             end if;
   235:             if e2 is null then
   236:               ep2 := 0;
   237:             else
   238:               ep2 := TO_NUMBER(e2);
   239:             end if;
   240:             -- Epochs are non-null; compare them
   241:             if ep1 < ep2 then return -1; end if;
   242:             if ep1 > ep2 then return 1; end if;
   243:             rc := rpmstrcmp(v1, v2);
   244:             if rc != 0 then return rc; end if;
   245:            return rpmstrcmp(r1, r2);
   246:          END;
   248:     END vercmp;
   250: END rpm;